Friday, October 11, 2013

Mitt Romney Predicted the Shutdown back in 2012

“You know that if the president were to be elected, he would still be unable to work with members of Congress. He’s ignored them, he’s attacked them, he’s blamed them. And of course the debt ceiling is going to come up again, and then there’d be a threat of shutdown or default. And that of course chills the economy, puts more people out of work.” ~Mitt Romney 2012
Read the rest of the story HERE.

If you missed Romney's interview with Sean Hannity on Tuesday, we have it for you HERE.

Mitt Romney has had his share of Nostradamus moments...MORE HERE.

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  1. Another prediction that came true by the man who SHOULD be president. Ellie.




  4. I saw Guy Benson's post about this. Someone accused him of having a tingle up his leg. Guy's answer was that if thinking Romney would be a far better President than the one we have now is a tingle than he has it. Me too. It's not a mystery that I think Romney would have been a great President. Meanwhile, the IRS political appointees have been sharing confidential taxpayer info with the White--I mean--Spite--House. Why does this not surprise me? What will surprise me is if someone actually goes to jail got this illegal action....



  6. AZ. I feel exactly like you do. Romney is still the most qualified, best person for the job--by far.

    In the election, Obama played dirty, and got away with it. Still does. The Clintons will play dirty. This latest gestapo shutdown stunt by Obama truly scares me. The depths he will go are unknown.

    Like a person said yesterday, 'this is not my America.' It's scary how fast gov employees can be turned into goons.


  7. America needs Romney now more than ever.


  8. "America needs Romney now more than ever."

  9. As always Romneyman is clueless. What he mocks as hero-worship is not hero-worship at all. It's called mutual respect and admiration for ones deeds and accomplishments. It's called understanding what integrity is and acknowledging when someone's life portrays the highest level of integrity. It's recognizing what true leadership is as opposed to broken promises. It's about seeing the results of ones handiwork instead of seeing the chaos one can create when one are clueless. I guarantee you we would be far better off today if the election results had been different. It has nothing to do with hero-worship. It has everything to do wit the individual. This individual has earned the reputation he has of being a man of impeccable credentials. Try as you might to belittle him, this will never change. By his fruits you shall know him.

  10. Joel, well said.

