Sunday, September 8, 2013

As it turns out, Mitt Romney had more than a few Nostradamus Moments

Ten months after Mitt Romney shuffled off the national stage in defeat — consigned, many predicted, to a fate of instant irrelevance and permanent obscurity — Republicans are suddenly celebrating the presidential also-ran as a political prophet. 
From his widely mocked warnings about a hostile Russia to his adamant opposition to the increasingly unpopular implementation of Obamacare, the ex-candidate’s canon of campaign rhetoric now offers cause for vindication — and remorse — to Romney’s friends, supporters, and former advisers. 
In the most actively cited example of the Republican nominee’s foresight, Romneyites point to the candidate’s hardline rhetoric last year against Russian President Vladimir Putin and his administration. During the campaign, Romney frequently criticized Obama for foolishly attempting to make common cause with the Kremlin, and repeatedly referred to Russia as “our number one geopolitical foe.” 
Many observers found this fixation strange, and Democrats tried to turn it into a punchline. A New York Times editorial in March of last year said Romney’s assertions regarding Russia represented either “a shocking lack of knowledge about international affairs or just craven politics.” And in an October debate, Obama sarcastically mocked his opponent’s Russia rhetoric. “The 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because the Cold War’s been over for 20 years,” the president quipped at the time.
That line still chafes Robert O’Brien, a Los Angeles lawyer and friend of Romney’s who served as a foreign policy adviser. 
“Everyone thought, Oh my goodness that is so clever and Mitt’s caught in the Cold War and doesn’t know what he’s talking about,” O’Brien said. “Well guess what. With all of these foreign policy initiatives — Syria, Iran, [Edward] Snowden — who’s out there causing problems for America? It’s Putin and the Russians.”
Russia and Putin weren't the only examples. Romney was spot on on other matters as well. 
Read the full story HERE.

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BOSMAN said...

Romney was correct in a lot of what he talked about and predicted during his campaign...... Another way of looking at it is that OBAMA WAS SO WRONG.

Anonymous said...

But Bosman, how can it be that Romney was so very right, when he is not a 'conservative'? (Of course he's conservative. Now folks like Levine, Erickson and even the arctic bimbo herself can start eating their words.)

Anonymous said...

The last election was a watermark, IMO. Romney was the best of the best, and was right on everything--not just a few things. He presented the most logical, realistic and ONLY way to get America back on track! But stupid, so-called 'conservatives', including and especially talk radio, etc could not shut their fat traps and see past their own egos for the good of America. So yes, I blame them too Ellie. Now they rant and rave, but they could have contributed to saving their country.


Anonymous said...

Ellie, you rightly bring up Sarah Palin. She tried more than most to derail Romney. Her silly antics, and her ABR movement which went on WAY too long, contributed to the reluctance of people to get on board.

Anyone with a brain knew Romney had the nomination pretty much from the get go. Hence, we should have rallied round and spent those months building him up rather than tearing him down. Some people on the right did as much to destroy him as the Obama machine.

And now we sit in the mess we're in. Hope they are happy. It's infuriating to realize what might have been.


Anonymous said...

Romney is a highly intelligent, motivated, and prescient leader. I think he understood what was going on way better than he was ever given credit for. The miracle is that he was willing to try to straighten the mess out, anyway. Unfortunately for all Americans, he was rejected in order to give the affirmative action President another go at weakening our country for another four years. Our current President is the weakest excuse for a President we've had in my lifetime, and that's including Pres. Carter. So sad. I imagine Mitt will be right more times than this. People with intelligence who are willing to listen can learn a lot from others. Unfortunately we haven't enjoyed that type of humility from the current White House occupant....


RomneyMan said...

Romney would have won...he won a larger percentage of the white vote than Reagan, but the Democrats have two massive minority demographics- which are growing each year.
An Aussie conservative deemed a 'true' conservative for Australia's political climate anyway, just won a big victory, but AUstralia has no big minority demographic. The US has, and they are growing, and the Dems clean up on them. Add to that the Dem favoured electoral college and you see why Romney was up against it.
And which is why WHOEVER is the GOP nominee in '16 will have to overcome too.
One of the reasons why the establishment are turning a blind eye to Obamcare implementation is to use it as a sacrificial lamb- take the massive new entitlement programme, but hope that it's so bad, cumbersome and additionally pricy to the pockets of 'normal' peoples' insurance that the electorate will rebel and vote GOP in '16, who'll run against it.