Sunday, September 1, 2013

Ted Cruz wins the day at American for Prosperity summit; Update: VIDEO OF SPEECH ADDED

Ted Cruz continues to impress. I see no signs of Cruz mania slowing down any time soon.

I'll post the video of the speech if one becomes available.
There was no question who was the favorite among the crop of possible 2016 Republican White House candidates who wooed conservative activists at a two-day conference here this weekend. 
Loud chants of “Run, Ted, run!” filled a hotel ballroom packed with more than 1,500 people Saturday after Sen. Ted Cruz (Tex.) finished excoriating President Obama’s administration and challenging Republicans to use an upcoming budget vote to try to force through a measure to defund the Affordable Care Act.....
Meanwhile, Marco Rubio was heckled for his amnesty stance during his speech.

Update: Video added

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Anonymous said...

I am not overly impressed.

Right Wingnut said...

That's OK, Ellie, because any criticism you throw out is like spitting in the ocean in regards to his rising popularity among conservatives.

RomneyMan said...

Seems smarmy and odd.

Zero wider appeal beyond base conservatives.


^"zero wider appeal beyond base conservatives"^

They used to say THE EXACT SAME THING about Reagan before he won 2 landslide presidential elections.

After he won those landslide elections, they flipped the narrative and called him a "silver-tongued devil" instead.

Maybe they should have called him "smarmy" too.

I'm sure that would have stopped Reagan dead in his tracks.



In his speech at the AFP summit, Marco Rubio once again EQUATED the tens of millions of invaders from Latin America and Africa with our immigrant ancestors from Europe who came through Ellis Island.

Apparently, Rubio never got the memo that our European ancestors LEGALLY immigrated to America, and then FULLY ASSIMILATED by learning our history, our culture and our language.

NEITHER OF WHICH CAN BE SAID about the vast majority of the invaders from Latin America and Africa.

And THAT, my friends, makes all the difference in the world.


Read the first comment below this article @ 10:04 AM by "Ledeen". It sums up the basic problem - the nation-changing problem - with illegal immigration perfectly. I wish I had written it ...

Anonymous said...

Newark Hawk/pedophile sympathizer,

I'm having a hard time processing your comment the other day that the repeated rape of a 14 year-old child (who later committed suicide) by her 54 year-old teacher somehow constituted a 'May December romance'. Your entire comment was revolting.

Until you explain yourself, I think you should just go away. I hope you go away, I really do because what you said is beyond reprehensible. It's literally disgusting, and if this is WHO YOU ARE, well then you have no business interacting with the rest of us. We may all have our disagreements, and heaven knows RW and I have had our battles, but you're not one of us. Period. I don't know who you are, but it's not that hard to figure that a man who would say what you said is someone to be avoided--at the very least.



Martha, you're obviously an emotionally and mentally disturbed woman - and a STALKER to boot - who is in dire need of professional psychiatric help. Please seek that help ASAP.

Anonymous said...

Newark, I'm not the one who defends pedophiles. Calling me names doesn't change your sick views on rape. So yeah, I most definitely hope you go away.


Right Wingnut said...

OK, Martha. You made your point. I don't agree with his take on it either, but nobody needs to be told repeatedly to "go away."

I don't recall you asking the vile Trig truthers from Malia Litman's to leave, but I suppose that's because you were in on it too.

Life's to short to get that upset over something someone said on the internet. In fairness, I've been there too.


Martha -

You accuse me of calling you names, after you called me every name in the book.

Ain't that the pot calling the kettle black.

I strongly suggest that you get back on your meds. Pronto.

Anonymous said...

RW, no comparison between that and what Newark suggested. None.

Plus, no we have not been there! Nobody here has ever been there! I think we both agree you've said some pretty bad stuff over the years, and so have I. But NONE of it even comes close to what Newark believes about rape. It's sick, and I don't want him participating in any discussions here because he is in some creepy minority that believes the rape of a 14 is okay.

Please do not defend him simply because he likes Tex Cruz.

I am NOT going to let it go. He is Newark/rapist-pedophile sympathizer to me from hence forth.


Right Wingnut said...

First off, I think the story about the 54 year old getting off with a 30 day sentence is an outrage. If it were my daughter, I doubt he would make it to 55. That said, I don't believe Newark thinks its OK.


Martha -

You are "Martha The Deranged Stalker" hence forth, who believes that it's okay to drive a young woman to suicide with sanctimonious, holier-than-thou, self-righteous rants by phonies like her in Montana.

Anonymous said...

RW, have you noticed all of the comments by Newark? He hasn't said ONE SINGLE WORD about the rapist, except to imply that the relationship was the childs' fault, the child should feel guilty, and the rapist was only involved in a 'romance'.

RW, please see him for what he is. He's probably wearing an ankle bracklet as we speak. Might explain why he has so much time on his hands to rant online.

I'm thinking about posting his opinion to the front page. He needs to GO. And your defense of a man who would equate rape with romance, and blame the child! is just inexplicable.


Anonymous said...

Newark is a throwback to the days when women and children were blamed for rape. It's the child's fault! She should feel guilty! The man is just having a romance! She killed herself because of the shame!

Sick sick sick!



RW -

That's right, RW. I NEVER SAID that "the rape of a 14-year old is okay."

I simply said - as did the judge in the case - that consensual sex with a 14-year old should NEVER be compared to forcible violent rape, as Martha The Deranged Stalker keeps doing.

Because there is NO COMPARISON between the two.

Anonymous said...

Newark/rapist defender, oh yeah. Splitting hairs over how violent rape is, sure helps your cause.

RW, Notice, he still did not say the RAPIST was doing anything other than having a 'ROMANCE'. STill didn't say anything about how outrageous the 20 day sentence or the judge is. He DEFENDS the judge.

The man cannot bring himself to find the rapist guilty, no matter how much he is shamed into doing so.

Says a lot. Pretty scary.


Anonymous said...

I'm more and more sure that you're wearing an ankle bracelet.



Hey BOSMAN, do you permit CYBERSTALKING on your website?

Martha The Deranged Stalker seems determined to HIJACK YOUR WEBSITE with her crazed, obsessive, maniacal rants about a comment I made several days ago that didn't meet her approval.

I STRONGLY SUGGEST that you take appropriate action before the authorities do.

Anonymous said...


You still can't bring yourself to say anything about the rapis--who was a teacher, and 54 years old. Do you think his 30 day sentence was appropriate, and do you think he should feel guilt or shame, as you suggest the deceased victim should?




See what I mean. She won't let it go, obviously because she has some severe mental and emotional disorder that hasn't been properly treated.

Anonymous said...


Do you believe the rapist was wrong?
Do you believe the 30 days was correct?
Do you think it was really a romance?

Hahahaha. You can't answer because you know you will either have to lie (from the shame of it), or you will have to tell the truth. Either is bad, so you have no place to go but slink away silently.

Because, at this point, if you do say the sentence or rapist was wrong, NO ONE will believe you.


Anonymous said...

I wonder if your family/friends with children know your feelings about 'May-December romances'?




See what I mean.

I was having a very nice, informative, enjoyable discussion with RW yesterday when we were RUDELY INTERRUPTED by Martha The Deranged Stalker. And she continues to do so today.

Do you ALLOW this type of behavior on your website?

I've commented on numerous websites, and this is THE ONLY ONE that has allowed a cyberstalker like Martha to persist with her crazed, obsessive, maniacal rants targeted at one individual(me).

I sincerely hope that this is merely a temporary oversight on your part, and NOT your website's official policy.

Anonymous said...

Ahh... Martha, I think I told you our family story. Thank you for standing up.


I hate to break the news to you, but Martha's CYBERSTALKING is not standing up for anything except showcasing her severe mental and emotional disorders.

Anonymous said...

Ellie, thanks. You know the heartbreaking trouble some children have to go through.

I think his lack of empathy for the victim, and lack of condemnation for the rapist is truly astonishing and disturbing.

I guess you never know who lurks behind a name.


Anonymous said...

Newark, I guess you've never sat up all night with a screaming little girl who is having a nightmare because her birth father raped her, and then allowed his friends to do the same? Call me when you do that, OK? It's a load of fun. but maybe she was not dressed properly? And asked for it. I'm sure at 4 and 5, she did exactly that. Oh, did I mention her mother was only 12 when she gave birth to this girl? And that same "man" was 32? Yea, I'm sure she asked for it too. Oh, and let's not even go into the drugs we've had to bring other kids off of.

Anonymous said...

NW, I have no intention of cyberstalking you, I can assure you, but I also was deeply disappointed by your response on this rape case. Added to your response on quite a number of other cases where women and children's issues are involved, I have decided that you are in earnest when you comment on them. At first I thought you were just saying things to get a rise out of Martha, or me, or someone else on this site, but I don't think that now.

I have been very disinclined for some time now to read many of your comments with interest, and now I just won't read them at all. Your perception of everything is warped. You lack the judgment to be truly discerning about people. If you ever grow a conscience, maybe your world won't be warped like it is now. Good luck with that.


Anonymous said...

NH, not NW. I don't want RW to think I am including him in my condemnation. We don't agree very often, but I like RW. :-)


Right Wingnut said...


What do you mean "we don't agree very often?" We both have conservative views, right? Maybe some of the minutia, and the people who would best carry out the changes that are needed to prevent our county from becoming a hell hole within the next 10-15 years? I agree we disagree on some of that, but it's always been mostly respectful disagreements.

Martha and Ellie are another matter. I have no problem with verbal confrontations when we disagree, but what we witnessed yesterday was appalling. It was, as NH stated, cyber-bullying. And I say that as someone who strongly disagrees with some of what NH said. Although, I still maintain that he doesn't think the relationship between the 54 yr old and 14 yr old are "OK."

Anonymous said...

RW, no, he never once said he doesn't think 54/14 is okay! He said quite the opposite. He called it a MAY/DECEMBER ROMANCE. He called RAPE a ROMANCE.

I think it's sad that you are more concerned with my comments yesterday than standing up for what is right. Newark Hawks opinions about rape are not shared by anyone on this site. Period. No matter how persistent, rude or whatever I was yesterday, it pales in comparison to his disgusting viewpoint!

I wish you had the guts to say so, and to see this controversy separate from your negative feelings about me personally. Honestly, Newark Hawk showed who and what he is yesterday. He is not someone with whom we ought to converse.


Anonymous said...

Here's the thing, RW.

Newark suggested that the only reason the child killed herself is because of 'sanctimonious people like Martha' who made her feel such guilt and shame that she had to commit suicide. I mean come on.

How can you not condemn this man's seriously flawed morality?! The mom said the girl committed suicide because of the rapes. It was not a romance, it was the exploitation of a vulnerable child by a creep who knew exactly how damaging his actions would be.

That is why NH's deeply flawed world view is so offensive. He is as bad or worse than the judge in this case! He thinks men who abuse children have romances with them, and that it's the child's fault!!!

Time to stand up, RW.


Anonymous said...

RW, one more thing. Please tell us what points of agreement you have with NH on this topic?! CAn you possibly have one, or are you just trying to defend the indefensible?


Right Wingnut said...


I already said I disagree, and I'm not going to allow you to use your Alinsky tactics on me, Martha. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

RW, I was referring to this comment you made: "And I say that as someone who strongly disagrees with some of what NH said."

No tactics, just wondering what exactly you agreed with. Honest question to you as a father.


Right Wingnut said...

I agree with him that you need to get your meds changed. Happy now?

Right Wingnut said...

Thing is, your view more closely mirrors mine on this, but you severely overplayed your hand. It's hard to stand by and just watch that level of harassment and not object.

Anonymous said...

RW, So, your outrage is over style and not substance--in this case serious substance? ha ha. I don't understand that, and actually I think it's very weak-minded, and intellectually dishonest. But whatever. Too bad you cannot come right out and condemn his disgusting opinion about rape. That would be refreshing.

Plus,you have selective outrage on the harassment. He harasses here all the time. He is a very angry man. I believe your defense of him is simply because he likes Cruz, and he doesn't like me. It's clouded your thinking. Oh well.


Right Wingnut said...

Plus you hijacked nearly every thread with this yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Yes, sorry about that. But I will probably do it again if he comments.
