Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Should Schools be sending 'Fat Letters' home to Parents?

Schools in California are sending letters to parents telling them their children are fat. 
Referred to as ‘fat letters,’ schools in parts of California are warning parents their pre-school-aged children are at risk of becoming obese adults. Despite some backlash, the letters appear to be making an impact. 
About 200 of the 900 students reviewed by one nutritionist prompted warnings. 
‘We let the parents know in a gentle fashion, but we also send out a ton of handouts to try to help that family,’ nutritionist Lauren Schmitt told CBS Los Angeles.
Determinations are made by looking at growth charts and percentiles, the nutritionist explained. If a child’s weight falls in the 95th percentile for their height, or their age, that child would be considered obese, she added, triggering a letter home. 
Not everyone appreciates the ‘gentle’ approach notifying parents their children are ‘unhealthy.’
Read the rest of the story HERE and view a related video below:

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fat letters are a terrible way to deal with obesity in children. First, the children are ALL going to know who got the fat letters. How would you like to be one of those kids?! Second, the parents already know their child is fat. Please. Sure, some parents need a kick in the rear, but it's not the school's business!

The only thing schools should do is teach healthy nutrition and exercise. And it ends there.
