Sunday, September 1, 2013

Sen. Ted Cruz skeptical of US military engagement in Syria (Video)

Speaking Aug. 31 with reporters after his speech at the Americans for Prosperity conference in Orlando.....


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I'm 100% for humanitarian aid, including military action by the Air Force, but IF AND ONLY IF we can identify with near-certainty who committed these atrocities.

Humanitarian aid IS a major national interest of the United States, albeit not a national security interest.

Under no circumstances should we send boots on the ground to Syria, because that, I believe, should only be used for MAJOR national security threats.

So I don't agree 100% with Cruz on this issue, but still LOVE the guy nonetheless because he's SO MUCH BETTER than the rest of our nation's ruling class.

Right Wingnut said...

I'm content to just let them all kill each other, as harsh as that may sound.


Yeah, but when many INNOCENT BYSTANDERS - including young children - get killed in the process, that's where I believe we should draw the line, especially if we can do so with MINIMAL COST of our own blood and treasure.

Right Wingnut said...

I agree with you on the innocent bystanders, but atrocities are taking place every day in all parts of the globe. Look at N. Korea, for example. Where do we draw the line? We can't be in all places at one time, and quite frankly, we can't afford it.

Right Wingnut said...

I think we both know that lobbing a few cruise missiles without a contingency plan that includes potential boots on the ground is a recipe for disaster. Especially with Obama at the helm.


As i said before, we draw the line when it can be done WITH MINIMAL COST OF OUR OWN BLOOD AND TREASURE.

I never said ANYTHING about lobbing a few cruise missiles.

Carpet bombing Syrian military and police installations would be FAR MORE effective.

Boots on the ground probably aren't necessary.

If they are, then DON'T intervene.

Anonymous said...

Right Wingnut said...

Ok. Fair enough. We disagree.

One question though. Would you want your son or daughter partaking in any mission, large of small, with Obama calling the shots?


Certainly NOT!!!


But I wouldn't have a problem with my kids carpet bombing Syrian military and police installations if Romney or Cruz were Commander-in-Chief, because I would TRUST them far more than I would Obama.

Right Wingnut said...

In this instance, I don't think we can trust Obama not to F it up even more than it already is. It certainly would be a different story with either Cruz or Romney.

Anonymous said...

Newark Hawk/rapist-pedophile sympathizer,

I'm having a hard time processing your comment the other day that the repeated rape of a 14 year-old child (who later committed suicide) by her 54 year-old teacher somehow constituted a 'May December romance'. Your entire comment was revolting.

Until you explain yourself, I think you should just go away. I hope you go away, I really do because what you said is beyond reprehensible. It's literally disgusting, and if this is WHO YOU ARE, well then you have no business interacting with the rest of us. We may all have our disagreements, and heaven knows RW and I have had our battles, but you're not one of us. Period. I don't know who you are, but it's not that hard to figure that a man who would say what you said is someone to be avoided--at the very least.



@ Martha/mentally disturbed basket case still BITTERLY sulking about Romney's defeat last November

If my comments ruin your day, that's TFB. If you don't like them, don't read them.

For you to EQUATE a consensual(in the traditional sense of the word) sexual relationship with FORCIBLE VIOLENT RAPE is an insult to all victims of that type of violence.

Whether you want to admit it or not, it was a CONSENSUAL relationship(albeit 1-2 years short of being a legal one), and it was a May-December romance as well.

There's a very good chance that the young woman killed herself because of all the SHAME AND GUILT heaped on her by sanctimonious, holier-than-thou, self-righteous phonies like yourself who OSTRACIZED her(according to her mother) after the affair became public.

You better get off your HIGH HORSE, Martha, before you fall down and hurt yourself.

And BTW, don't kid yourself - never in a million years would I want to be "one of us", if "us" includes a TOTAL NUTCASE LIKE YOU in the group.

Anonymous said...

Newark, only a very disturbed person would call rape a 'may december romance'. You actually make me sick, but I knew you would defend yourself, and that says you are even more depraved than I thought.

There is nothing consensual about an adult raping a child. But you wouldn't know that because you are SICK. And it's not a high horse, it's called decency, but you wouldn't know about that either.

And no, I'm not going to stop posting about it because you need to be shunned.



YOU'RE THE SICK ONE, Martha, as you prove every time you flap your gums.

You obviously fail to understand the MAJOR DIFFERENCE between forcible violent rape and the statutory "rape" of a 14-year old girl where the age of consent is 16.

As i said earlier, it was sanctimonious, holier-than-thou, self-righteous phonies like yourself who ostracized that poor young woman, causing her to kill herself.

Get over yourself, Martha. And while you're at it, please seek further professional help for your emotional and mental illness.


And go ahead, keep posting about it, because that just further proves that you are an OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE, MENTALLY UNSTABLE, DERANGED STALKER.

Anonymous said...

Newark, I think a person would either have to be mentally unstable or completely bereft of judgment to defend repeated rape as a May December romance. Because it was not violent doesn't make it defensible. Your viewpoint really does make me wonder about you and why in the world you would be defending a rapist. So as far as I'm concerned, you most definitely are a pedophile defender.



The so-called "victim" did NOT consider it "rape", and neither did the judge in the case.

She killed herself because of all the shame and guilt heaped on her by people like you.

Please, Martha, GET BACK ON YOUR MEDS before the authorities throw a net over you and haul you away in a straitjacket.

Anonymous said...

Newark, you are kind of old school in that you believe rape is the female's fault. You and the judge--who is going to lose his job because he's so out of the mainstream, and clueless and horrible. Maybe he and you have bigger problems than any of us know when it comes to belief, rape and children. That's the only thing I can assume.

The way you blame her suicide on anyone other than the creepy old man who raped her is really really sick and depraved.


Anonymous said...

So, let me get this straight. You think SHAME and GUILT killed her, but not the teacher. I suppose you also believe 30 days in jail is a-okay for a simple 'may-december romance'.

You literally make me sick.




See what I mean.

Martha The Deranged Stalker just won't let go.

She clearly is in dire need of MAJOR PSYCHIATRIC MEDICATION, but that's between she and her shrink.

Please take appropriate action against this CYBERSTALKER before the authorities are forced to do so.

Anonymous said...

Well heck, there's a no brainer position from the now 9 month wonderboy! ellie