Monday, September 2, 2013

Public School Art Project in Kentucky encouraged Desecrating the American Flag

Students at a Kentucky high school were encouraged to step on an American flag that had been placed on the floor as part of an art display, outraging parents and students. 
The display at McCracken County High School, was a re-creation of “Dread” Scott Tyler’s 1989 installation titled “The Proper Way to Display an American Flag.” 
As part of the art exhibit, students were encouraged to stand on the flag and write their reflections on how they felt standing on the flag.
Local residents filled social networking sites with their outrage over the flag desecration with many calling for the art teacher to be fired. 
“The teacher should be fired and run out of town,” wrote one outraged Paducah resident. “I have a son serving to protect this flag at this very moment.” 
“It is a sad day when the symbol of this great nation is relegated to occupy the floor,” a reader wrote. “It is a truly sorrowful day when the one who placed it there has the nerve to ask, ‘How does it make you feel?’”
“I doubt this teacher intended the disrespect her art project exhibited,” one reader wrote. “But nonetheless, it was really a despicable assignment.” 
Art teacher Shand Stamper has since apologized for the controversial art display – telling The Paducah Sun that it was not a specifically assigned project. The newspaper reported she sent a written letter of apology to school administrators.
Read the full story HERE.

I'm going to go with my gut on this one. This teacher is ONLY SORRY she was caught and that the Patriots of that town called her out on it.

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Anonymous said...

Fire her asap. But it won't happen because heaven knows how hard it is to fire teachers.


BOSMAN said...

I agree Martha,

Our flag has been through too much and so many have died to keep her flying. THIS TURD needs to be fired.

My guess is She's only sorry because she was caught. That's the NEW MENTALITY in society what ever the hell you want, then if caught, say your sorry as if that is somehow supposed to make it all better.

Anonymous said...

Might not beable to fire her. But u can dam sure run her smug a$$ out of town

Anonymous said...

Who did this should be jailed! Period. My God look at what this country has become! A bunch of bleeding heart America hating liberals are destroying this great nation. Its time to fight back. Its time to demand these Fers are punished for any desecration to the flag. What happened to the american heros who would be outraged about this and demand punishment. For all who died for my flag Im sorry