Tuesday, September 24, 2013

PLAN B: A Republican's solution to the Chicago Schools Toilet Paper Problem

Chicago Alderman Nicholas Sposato collected toilet paper for cash-strapped schools in his 36th Ward on the city's Northwest Side. 
Sposato has a year's worth of toilet paper -- generic rolls and name brand -- stacked in his office. While Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel was on a roll announcing millions of dollars for school construction projects, including a $17 million addition at Walter Payton High School, Alderman Sposato was collecting toilet paper. 
"Schools' budgets were cut drastically and I wanted to help out. So instead of school supplies, we figured toilet paper," Sposato said. 
Sposato said about $3 million was cut from elementary schools and a high school in his ward.
"Sayre lost $200K, Dever lost $200K, Canty lost $400K, Bridge lost $500K, Locke lost $500K, and Steinmetz High School lost $1.4 million. That's a lot of money," Sposato said in a statement. While toilet paper might not make a huge dent in the budget, he said it's something they all need, and with which the community can help.
Read the rest of the story HERE and view a related video below:

The solution to this problem is so obvious. And they can thank homie for the solution...OBAMACARE to the rescue:

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1 comment:

  1. Who says I'm not a big fan of recycling?

    When I heard about Chicago's Problem, It was like magic....I had an epiphany...A SOLUTION to their problem...and one that wouldn't fall apart in their hands like most toilet tissue.

    An appropriate ending to all traces of Obamacare.
