Tuesday, September 24, 2013

hahahaha: Obama - The U.S. must be a place that rewards hard work...and this wasn't Tongue-in-cheek..

....You can't make this crap up:
Echoing themes of civil rights and social justice, President Barack Obama said Saturday that until the U.S. becomes a place where anyone who is willing to work hard can earn a way into the middle class 
"we can't let up and we can't rest." "We can't rest until we offer new ladders of opportunity for anyone willing to climb them," Obama said in a keynote address to the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation's annual awards dinner. "Over the last 30 years, upward mobility in this country - the idea that if you work hard, you can get ahead - has slipped out of reach for too many Americans. And that's especially true in communities with large African-American populations."
Read the rest HERE and view his speech below:

WARNING: Listening to this speech may be hazardous to your lunch.

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1 comment:

  1. When I heard Obama's speech, I thought of Jack Benny and Bud Abbott. Two comedians from the past who could keep a strait face and say just about anything.

    After hearing Obama talk about rewarding hard work, Lifting people up...(with his M.O.)...and keeping a strait face the whole time, LIKE HE MEANT IT (hahahaha)...I think he may have found his second calling. A straight man in a comedy act.
