Monday, September 30, 2013

More Evidence your Kids are being Brainwashed in Some Schools

A Wisconsin school district is apologizing after middle school students were shown a video that featured Hollywood celebrities pledging to be a servant to President Obama. 
“I pledge to be a servant to our president,” Demi Moore said in the “I Pledge,” video shown at Hudson Middle School. 
The video was part of a number of Peace One Day activities, an international event to build peace awareness. The students were also invited to make their own pledges after viewing the video.
But there was a big problem – the video conveyed the idea that Americans should serve the presidency instead of our elected officials serving the citizens, Fox9 News in Minneapolis reported. 
“I pledge to be of service to Barack Obama,” Red Hot Chili Peppers singer Anthony Kiedis said. 
Those statements led the middle school and the Hudson School District to issue apologies.
Read the rest of the story HERE and view the Obama worshiping propaganda below:

My gut tells me, they're only sorry THEY GOT CAUGHT. How many other schools are doing something similar? Videos like this...or lessons taught from biased and historically incorrect textbooks.

If you have kids in schools these days, you really have to pay attention to what text books they're using. YOU WON"T KNOW unless 'YOU' check....And if you find something, RAISE HOLY HELL until the problem is corrected.

Just one example below:

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