Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Marco Rubio, Rick Perry, Bobby Jindal, and Ted Cruz at the Americans For Prosperity's 'Defending the American Dream 2013 Summit (Full Speeches 08-30/31-13)

The Defending the American Dream Summit is being held at Loews Royal Pacific Resort at Universal Orlando on August 30/31:

Sen Marco Rubio (R-FL):

Gov Bobby Jindal (R-LA):

Gov Rick Perry (R-TX):

Sen Ted Cruz (R-TX):

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RomneyMan said...

Jindal was fine in fairness at this event.

You can see how Rubio's affected by the immigration issue. He seems more on edge. Even Rubio's worst critic wouldn't concede that he can usually deliver a stellar speech, but this one seemed flat and at times nervous, in a way of a teacher trying to teach to a class with fear of being talked over. His confidence seems low.

RomneyMan said...

Also, for what it's worth, Perry seems more comfortable in his boots these days too.

Anonymous said...

Perry, Perry, Perry. May we be spared a repeat, is all I can say. The poor man is in over his head, but does not realize it.

The religious right leaders he listens to are probably telling him the same thing as last time, unfortunately.


RomneyMan said...

The GOP could have had many a 'worse' candidate that Romney, but I'd be surprised if anyone would have run a worse campaign.