Sunday, September 1, 2013

Hey...have you noticed...The Anti-War Groups have been SILENT on Syria

“The Democrats are missing in action because of course the president is a Democrat,” said David Swanson, a longtime antiwar activist and author of War Is a Lie and When the World Outlawed War, who works with Roots Action, a progressive nonprofit. “That’s the biggest factor, I think. What’s tamping down the activism is partisanship.” 
“This started in 2007 when it was time to focus on electing a Democratic president and the Democrats forgot about the wars,” Swanson said. “We’ve been struggling ever since to get back to where we were in 2006.”
Swanson also blamed the apathy on the left on a belief that intervening in Syria is a humanitarian mission, whereas with Iraq the sales pitch was defense-related. 
“The war in Syria is incredibly unpopular according to the polls, but there are some who support it because they believe it’s philanthropy,” he said. 
Swanson sees hope for the antiwar cause in the fact that most Americans oppose intervening in Syria, according to polling.
“It’s a major accomplishment to have a majority telling pollsters no from the start, not a year into it,” he said. 
“The antiwar actions of the Bush years were basically energized by the extreme left, the Old Left Marxists,” Raimondo said. “But they are getting on in years, and they aren’t recruiting many young people (yet), so the various antiwar coalitions have far less components.”
Read the full story HERE.

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