Saturday, September 7, 2013

Bill Clinton: The GOP has a Duty to help fix the Obamacare Glitches

hahahaha...Duty...Yeah right:
Former President Bill Clinton on Wednesday said Republicans have a duty as elected officials to help fix the “glitches” in ObamaCare. 
Clinton lent his reputation as "explainer in chief" to the healthcare law's rollout, delivering a roughly hourlong speech in which he praised ObamaCare and criticized congressional Republicans for their steadfast opposition. 
"It is the law," Clinton said. "We've all got an interest in trying to faithfully execute the law. To get one of these elected jobs, you actually take an oath to do that."
In the speech at his presidential library in Little Rock, Ark., Clinton said the healthcare law does have problems — and that Republicans should try to solve them. 
"We all get paid to show up for work, and we need all hands on deck here," Clinton said.
The former president, who unsuccessfully pursued comprehensive healthcare reform in his first years in office, said ObamaCare is "the best chance we've had" to provide near-universal coverage and repair an inefficient healthcare system. 
Clinton delivered the speech weeks ahead of the critical Oct. 1 deadline to launch new insurance marketplaces, also known as exchanges, in each state. Echoing Obama, Clinton acknowledged that some technical hiccups are likely. But said bumps in the road come with the territory of major reforms.
Read the rest of the story HERE and view Clinton's comments below:

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