Tuesday, August 27, 2013

WISCONSIN: Do You Want your 4th Grader taught about Masturbation in School?

Parents, do you know your elementary school’s masturbation education policy? 
The Oak Creek School District developed a booklet for parents of elementary students to help them “understand how staff and outside resource people will handle these sensitive topics.” 
Sensitive topics, indeed. 
The elementary school booklet covers masturbation, sexual intercourse, sexual orientation, abortion and contraception. 
The booklet is a complement to the Human Growth and Development curriculum that takes various forms throughout public school districts across the state.
When it comes to a grade-schooler’s questions about masturbation, staff will first define the term “the stimulation of one’s own genitals for the purpose of achieving sexual pleasure.” 
Staff, though, are advised not to answer questions of personal sexual experience. 
The handbook also directs staff to explain that some people masturbate and some do not. And encourages staff to “help students understand that attitudes toward masturbation may be a strong part of family values and beliefs and opinions often vary.” 
Students, according to the handbook, will “be encouraged to talk to parents in order to help them develop their own values and beliefs about masturbation.”
Read the full story HERE.

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Anonymous said...

Parents can opt out but rarely do they said. Okay . . .

Time to opt out completely, and homeschool, I would say. Good gravy!


Anonymous said...

When my kids have something like this, I am always one of the few parents who attend and want to know what they are presenting. We have also opted out a few times, too. My kids tell me their friends' parents marvel that we will be responsible for talking to our own kids about these matters. They are glad to let someone else do it; and what we see in society is the result. Cowards. What do they think being a parent means?


Anonymous said...

I meant a human growth lesson at school.


Anonymous said...

AZ, I opted my daughter out of sophomore health/sex ed class and made her take it BYU online! Pretty safe that way!

Actually, over the years, my kids took quite a few of those high school online BYU classes. They are great! And funny thing, after my son did a bunch of them, our high school changed the rules about how many you can do. Ha ha. They were good for him because he could focus easier. He says that he learned a lot more doing it that way. Sometimes with the way public education is going, I'm glad there are so many more options online. It's wonderful.
