Warren Parker parlayed a heroic war record into millions of dollars in federal contracts, cashing in on a preference program that limits or eliminates competition for small businesses owned by service-disabled veterans.
Parker's resume included three Silver Stars, three Purple Hearts and a slew of other decorations for heroism. He even kept a diary of his "sniper kills" in Vietnam.
It was all a scam.
Parker never went to Vietnam or saw combat. During his five years in the Missouri National Guard, he never left the state.
But none of that kept Parker's company, Silver Star Construction, from winning more than $7 million in federal contracts as a Service-Disabled, Veteran-Owned Small Business.
A tip from a private citizen triggered the investigation of Parker's military credentials. He pleaded guilty to fraud and in November 2012 was sentenced to more than seven years in prison.
The SDVOSB program is supposed to help veterans with service-connected disabilities by giving them a preference in bidding for federal contracts. But lax verification requirements make it "highly vulnerable to fraud and abuse," according multiple investigations by the Government Accountability Office and agency inspectors general.
An estimated $12.3 billion in federal contracts went to firms last year that received the preference because the owner claimed to be a service-disabled veteran.Read the rest of the story HERE.
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