Sunday, August 11, 2013

U.K. Birthrate Keeps Rising and is projected to eventually be Europe's Most Populous Country...I think I know why

As someone who travels to London at least once a year, I didn't need a survey to tell me this:
The number of births in the U.K. hit a 40-year high in 2012, official data showed Thursday, making it the European Union's fastest-growing country and adding to forecasts that it will surpass Germany's population as the bloc's largest within decades.
That rise in births contrasts with a number of other European nations—including Germany, Italy and Spain—where the birthrates have fallen since the 2008 financial crisis. 
The Office for National Statistics said there were 813,200 births in the U.K. in the year ended June 2012—the largest number since 1972. There were nearly that many births in the prior 12-month period.
Stuart Basten, research fellow in demography and social policy at Oxford University, who wasn't involved in the study, attributed the boom most prominently to a shift in which women aged 25 to 29, among them an influx of migrants, are increasingly giving birth. He said it was too early to explain the shift. 
Immigration also played a role. Mr. Basten said the fertility rate, or the number of births per 1,000 women, was 2.3% for foreign-born women versus 1.9% for U.K.-born women. He said that suggests that migrants are making a significant contribution to the increase.
Read the full story HERE.

Remember him?
Although this article doesn't give specifics on the racial/religious breakdown of the birthrates, I'd be willing to bet that it's heavy on the Muslim side.

Every year I've noticed that large chunks of the city are being taken over by immigrants from Muslim Countries.

And the Muslim women always seem to have 2 or 3 little ones in toe when seen in public.

I'd also be willing to bet that if in the U.S. a study was done on birthrates here, we'd find the same phenomenon.

I'll leave you with this thought...There is strength in numbers and numbers eventually lead to political influence. This is already occurring in the London area...Perhaps Great Britain should have kept a closer look at their immigration policies...DO YOU THINK?

This Map was taken from a 2008 article and the numbers back then were great.

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1 comment:

BOSMAN said...

The UK is 'COMING ATTRACTIONS' (immigration run amok) of what could happen here if we don't LIMIT immigration and LIMIT/eliminate the number of immigrants from unfriendly countries.