Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Tom Tancredo: Amnesty Harms Minority Jobs and Wages

H/T Joel2013
No one should think border security is the only reason why amnesty for illegal aliens is a bad idea. One of the most disappointing aspects of the whole debate in Congress is the lack of serious discussion of the likely impact on wages and jobs of the most vulnerable workers, minority youth. 
The nation’s current unemployment rate in July was 7.4 percent. That is a drop from the rates above 9 percent in 2009 and 2010, but considering we are supposed to be in the fourth year of a “recovery,” it is very high. Yet that rate is only one-half the 16.3 percent unemployment rate for all young workers aged 16-24. And it is one-quarter the 28.2 percentage rate for young black men 16-24.
Hispanic young adults age 16-24 have an unemployment rate of 18.1 percent – more than 145 percent above the national average. Under the Senate’s amnesty bill, those young, Hispanic males will be joined by several million additional young workers eager to take the available jobs. Do you think that 18.1 percentage rate among Hispanic youth will go up or down after amnesty?
Do you think young blacks and Hispanics are looking forward to this additional competition for jobs in a stagnant economy? Not only will there be more competition for jobs, but wage levels will be adversely affected as well. 
This is not rocket science, folks. Every competent labor economists know there is a “wage suppression effect” when more people compete for the same number of jobs, particularly low-skilled and semi-skilled jobs.
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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