Guess What....It's MONTHS BEHIND in testing. Another words, your information may not be that safe:
The federal government is months behind in testing data security for the main pillar of Obamacare: allowing Americans to buy health insurance on state exchanges due to open by October 1
The missed deadlines have pushed the government's decision on whether information technology security is up to snuff to exactly one day before that crucial date, the Department of Health and Human Services' inspector general said in a report.
As a result, experts say, the exchanges might open with security flaws or, possibly but less likely, be delayed.
"They've removed their margin for error," said Deven McGraw, director of the health privacy project at the non-profit Center for Democracy & Technology. "There is huge pressure to get (the exchanges) up and running on time, but if there is a security incident they are done. It would be a complete disaster from a PR viewpoint."
The most likely serious security breach would be identity theft, in which a hacker steals the social security numbers and other information peop ()le provide when signing up for insurance.Read the rest HERE.
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I guess those who have forever been denied healthcare, or those who couldn't afford it, having to sell houses to pay for long treatments- in the world's most developed country, being able to access healthcare may indeed feel 'warm and fuzzy'.
Well you see RM...Some of us that actually WORK and make a living, perhaps don't like the idea of our personal information sitting on someone's desk in Beijing.
This post isn't about class, YOU MADE IT that way.
It's about the government approaching something like this....HALFASSED.
This is great news for those of you who are extroverts and are looking to have people TAKE NOTICE....everyone else....not so much.
Look at the bright side if you're looking for a job in China, you won't need to send them a resume.
Never mind, we should have gone with the specifics packed 'repeal and replace' lol
OR, go back to the antiquated and world-wide laughed at prior system- you know, don't get ill old man who's been self employed all of your life, as you may have to sell the ranch.
You know, RM, I have been in situations where we have had to purchase our own health insurance. We have also had to pay a decent proportion of our income for health insurance. When we had to buy our own, I bought catastrophic insurance. Many people can do that, they just won't. Then, when they need help, they whine. By the way, my husband and I do not, even now, live at the level the President considers "millionaires and billionaires." We have been unemployed and underemployed, so I know what I am talking about.
I have a lot of compassion, but that doesn't include taking from someone who has saved and gone without vacations, and been responsible and giving to people who haven't. That is the bottom line.
Since we simply cannot let people die, we need to do something, but putting the government in charge of our healthcare is not only overreach, but it is insuring that many of us will be paying more for less.
I have lived in Japan, and I know something about what their healthcare system is like. I want no part of government run healthcare. It isn't as great as you think, and it is financially destroying every one of the countries that has it.
When government runs our healthcare, not only is it inefficient, but it is placing how many people and their healthcare, pensions, vacations and salaries between me and each dollar I give them? How much of that is left for my healthcare? NOT MUCH!!!
Get over your, "I'm so intelligent and you are so stupid mentality!" I don't want to place all of those government people between me and my healthcare. I would much rather pay the doctors and nurses to look after me, than some IRS union worker!
There is nothing more demoralizing than being dependent on others for your basic needs, this includes healthcare. It eliminates any self-esteem one has had in the past and instead breeds a victims mentality in the sense that one feels they are entitled to live off the government dole for the rest of their lives because someone has caused them harm. In my opinion this is the worst thing you can do to someone who is down on their luck, simply give without requiring something of value in exchange. Rather than give money and other gifts to the poor, why not require then to volunteer at various local charities in exchange for their free food and shelter? This would give them a sense of pride, knowing they were not receiving a handout for nothing. Those who work hard and make a living should not have to watch as others benefit from their labors without some form of voluntary work program in place that justifies the helping hand they are receiving. It's time to end the something for nothing mentality that so many people have become accustomed to in today's world.
OB sums it up well: " The one unifying principle in the Republican Party at the moment is making sure that 30 million people don't have health care."
Now, what was Romney's *specifics laden* 'Repeal and Replace' *policy* about again?
Word of advice: if you're going to run, have at least a credible alternative policy for voters to grasp. Romney (predictably) ran away from Obamacare during the campaign- even on the back of the SCOTUS decision in the June, so I guess that it's understandable that the campaign offered voters NOTHING AT ALL in terms of an Obamacare alternative. 'Repeal and Replace'
What candidate runs for the ultimate office, is aware that his base (and more than the base) are upset with the prospect of Obamacare, but offer NOTHING as an alternative- expect a catchy slogan?
He even mentioned post election that [paraphrased] they were 'surprised by how popular Obamacare was with some voters'
And they offered NO alternative??
You couldn't make it up.
Trivia question: After 1.5 years of running for the '12 presidential election, what was Romney's full healthcare policy..?
'Repeal and Replace'
So what's the CURRENT GOP alternative to Obamacare? Nothing, as it's been for the last 100 years lol
OB again: "There isn't even a pretense now that they will replace it with something better. The notion is simply that those 30 million people, or the 150 million who are benefiting from the other aspects of Affordable Care, will be better off without it. That’s their assertion. Not backed by fact or evidence, it's just become an ideological fixation."
No one's saying Obamacare's great, far from it, but what's your alternative GOP expect throwing red meat to your '16 primary electorate lol?
Romneyman. I'm one of those uninsured. And I can't afford the medical plans out there. But you know what we do? We stroke a check when we go see the doc. And we see him only if we can't fix what's wrong with simple precautions and common sense. It's about 100 buck. We've spent about 200 this year on seeing doc's and a bit more than that on 'scripts. added up, it's still cheaper than Obamacare.
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