Friday, August 23, 2013

The Wheels are in Motion for the Formation of a North Colorado State

You’ve got North Carolina and North Dakota, so why not Northern Colorado? 
Voters in several rural Colorado counties will be asked whether they want to form a new state tentatively named Northern Colorado in the November election, a reaction to the Democrat-controlled state legislature’s “war on rural Colorado.” 
The Weld County Commissioners voted unanimously at Monday’s meeting to place a measure on the Nov. 5 ballot asking voters whether they want the county to join other rural counties in forming another state. 
“The concerns of rural Coloradans have been ignored for years,” William Garcia, chairman of the Weld County Commissioners, said in a statement. “The last session was the straw that broke the camel’s back for many people. They want change. They want to be heard.”
Three other rural counties — Cheyenne, Sedgwick and Yuma — also plan to place the 51st state referendum on the fall ballot. At least three more counties plan to consider the proposal this week at their commission meetings, said Jeffrey Hare, spokesman for the 51st State Initiative. 
Known for its agriculture and oil and gas production, Weld is the largest of the Colorado counties exploring a break with the state after the legislature’s sharp turn to the left with bills restricting access to firearms and doubling the state’s renewable-energy mandate for rural areas. 
Democrats control both houses of the legislature and the governor’s office. Two Democratic state senators — Angela Giron and John Morse — are facing Sept. 10 recall elections in response to the legislature’s gun control votes
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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Ohio JOE said...

Good show!

Anonymous said...

Don't we all wish we could break away from the group socialists have on us. I don't think the Founding Fathers intended the tax payers to become slaves to the ever greedy, encroaching socialist-we-know-better-than-you-do state. At least these Coloradans are trying to make their voices heard in a state that has been taken over by former hippie types from California. I agree that libs spoil their own nests, then they move somewhere else and vote in the same stupid, damaging laws they had before.


Anonymous said...

I meant grip not group.


Anonymous said...

You're seriously mistaken. The liberals OWN California. Those who moved out were mostly driven out, and they are conservatives. You have LOTS of immigrants, but they're Democrat hispanics.

Anonymous said...

Check out California's churches. Locals brag about driving them out, and they are now boarded up.

Anonymous said...

I don't doubt big government / big business players moved in enough liberals to your state to dominate it. Your state once took a stand against the gay agenda, so they are determined to hurt you. This is intentional, not the mere consequence of blue states sinking. Obama was determined to win CO.

Anonymous said...

Hippie types still in CA.

Anonymous said...

Just check out Boulder. The libs have Moved in in in a big way.