H/T Romneyman
As he moves across Florida this week, U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio is keeping two schedules.
The public one, where he tells friendly, pro-business crowds what he sees as the dangers of Obamacare. And the invite-only one, where he seeks to reconnect with grass roots conservative activists who have questions — and some outrage — over his involvement in immigration reform.
It's a two-step plan designed to repair Rubio's image, which has taken a beating in recent months, darkening the glow of his 2016 presidential prospects.
The last event on Rubio's public schedule Monday was a meeting in Gainesville with business owners to discuss the federal health care law. But he finished the day in a private meeting with Republican activists gathered at a construction company, shaking every hand he could.
Rubio said he believes the current immigration system is broken and that he looks forward to what the more conservative House comes up with. He then went for an emotional closer, connecting the politically treacherous issue to his parents' story as immigrants from Cuba.
"He owned the room," said Alex Patton, a Republican consultant in Gainesville who agrees with Rubio on immigration. "I don't know if he'll win the argument, but he definitely took the venom out of it."
The redemption tour continued Tuesday with stops in Tallahassee and Panama City and concludes today in Pensacola. Other travel is likely as Congress spends the month away from Washington.
To grasp how far Rubio has fallen among a segment of his base, consider a gathering of 300 people in Sarasota last week for a talk by outspoken immigration opponent Dennis Michael Lynch. "As soon as he said 'Marco Rubio,' the room just went crazy. They booed, they hissed, there were catcalls," said Richard Swier, a local activist.Read the rest HERE.
Sorry Marco..This Republican isn't buying it.
Why are you planting seeds and doing Obama's work?
Florida Sen. Marco Rubio is warning that if Congress doesn't pass immigration reform, President Obama may act on his own to legalize the 11 million immigrants already in the country illegally.Even team Obama said the above statement is BS:
Asked whether Obama would be "tempted" to issue executive orders as Rubio suggested, White House spokesman Bobby Whithorne told The Associated Press, "No. The only solution to this problem is for Congress to fix the broken immigration system by passing comprehensive reform."This is what you SHOULD BE DOING. Apologizing for pushing an Amnesty bill that doesn't secure the border first.
You could claim temporary insanity (while on the Gang of 8) tell the American People that you realize now that the Border MUST BE SECURED FIRST before anything else happens.
THEN blame the Democratic Senate for not willing to do reform in that order. PUT IT BACK IN THEIR HANDS.
THEN, and ONLY THEN, will you be acceptable to Conservatives again. Being Pro-Defunding Obamacare ALONE, just won't do it. Securing the Border NOW is just as important.
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1) He's totally wrong to try to do something about the 'amnesty' that currently exists. You know, the one that many were happy with for eternity.
And why he's even more insane is that he, for some astounding reason, chose not to do the 'GOP method', you know, moan about matters for an age, appeal to potential primary voters, but offer naff all in return (i.e, the 'Obamacare method, which he is also a part of btw- all GOP moan, no GOP alternative)
2) And whey he is even more insane, is he never jumped on the 'enforce the immigration policy that we've actually got' crowd. Why, as the current policy has miles and miles of zero fence, now visa entry/exit, no e-verify, no modernity of other detection methods of apprehension. Hence Rubio probably saw that 'enforcing' a system that is naff even if it were actually operational was not the way to go.
So yes, he's crazy. Crazy has he done what legions of GOP talking patriots fail so often to do- actually try and do something about something instead of just talking.
Obama was sure right when he commented on the GOP stance on Obamacare having 'nothing as an alternative.
But I guess that's the GOP after all.
This is so ridiculous. Marco Rubio was part of a chamber that is controlled by Democrats and yet he tried to do something positive to deal with the problem of illegal immigration. That is more than can be said for the people who demagogue the issue. They accomplish nothing. They do not make the border more secure. They do not deal with the 11 million people here illegally. They do not deal with the people who overstay their visas or the employers who hire people they should not hire...No they just rant and rave about the evils of amnesty and yak about the rule of law while they ignore a totally lawless status quo. I respect Rubio for having the guts to deal with the problem. And what is more, he is on the side of the public and most of the people in his own party. Republicans support immigration reform if they feel there are enforcement enhancements...and a strong majority of Americans support immigration reform. It would be nice if the GOP could be on the side of the majority of people.
Good post Terrye.
Personally, I wouldn't have any path to citizenship for people who broke the law by being illegal aliens and current remain in that state, but you are 100% correct when you said at least he's had the guts to try to do something, in a Dem controlled institution. The vast, vast, vast majority of the 'talking GOP *patriots*' are exactly just that.
All moan, all talk, but zero alternatives.
Indeed, give Walker's 'detailed' immigration reform ideas,,,,or many, many like him lol
Guts my dear friends, guts.
Never mind, the Cruzs, and indeed the GOP are just the Waldorf and Statler muppets of the political world- moan and complain from the balcony, but other NOTHING as an alternative.
And if one dares to do so, feels the wrath of the 'talking patriot' armchair congress crowd, or said Waldoft and Statler GOP crew lol
The whole bill is just wrong... understanding the sentiment that our government has nurtured a failed immigration policy for so long, regardless of what happens, we are stuck with the damage.
I say, without proper status, Citizen, green carder or visa: you many not rent a house or quarters, consequences for anyone knowingly harboring illegals, you many not receive social benefits, any employer who knowingly employs an illegal will be fined and possibly loose his business, children will not be allowed in public schools, no state issued drivers license, anyone deliberately outside of their visa or residency status should be fined, imprisoned if a felon, then deported at their respective embassy's expense, if the perp cannot foot the bill.
Who needs a fence?
It happens like this virtually everywhere else in the world. I could never find a job, a place to live, or social benefits if I was outside visa status in Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand, (insert country here). Why should it be different in the USA?
Terrye.... I am with you. (See my post above) Too many sit back and bitch and never do anything except complain, because it is not what their armchair reasoning dictates. I'm am for throwing out the whole bill, not because I hate Rubio, or the Leftist/Communists, (well, I do hate [them]) but because it is just another case of contriving, yet, another bureaucratic hurdle that burdens everyone. If you jump the border illegally, if you cannot eat, drink, work, or find shelter, why would you come?
Romneyman, you have correctly described one side in the current GOP civil war. There is a lot of money to made in politics because there is a lot of interest. Rush Limbaugh is a filthy rich man because he wants to be a part of the solution. He is a filthy rich man because he knows how to lie and manipulate the conservative base. So naturally, we have a congressman who are also interested in rising in the conservative movement by using their rhetoric. Rubio tried to do something positive and now he is being crucified by the talkers, so Rubio is back to trying to shut down the government or whatever current rhetorical gambit popular with the talkers.
Furthermore, the ironic thing about this whole discussion: Rubio´s plan is the only one on the table that would come close to securing the border. Anything short of rounding up all illegal immigrants is unacceptable to the anti-immigrant proponents, so they would prefer to continue with the status que than pass a bill that would spend another $30 billion on border security.
"crucified by the talkers"
Exactly that- the talkers.
And BTW, nobody's completed their A4 sized full explanation of Cruz's- or any other *talkers* healthcare plan,,,or immigration plan,,or..
Well....we could always wait until the GOP gains control if the Senate, and perhaps the White House. If it's so urgent, why didn't the Democrats pass something when they controlled the House and Senate?
Pablo, demagoguery only works on the low info crowd. Anti-immigrant? You know better than that.
"Well....we could always wait until the GOP gains control if the Senate, and perhaps the White House."
lol, file under kicking can and down the road.
All talk and no do.....as always
Scarbourough's got it nailed when he talks about pandering to the 'right' and guts, today:http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2013/08/16/scarborough_message_of_radio_talkers_is_if_youre_not_white_youre_really_not_welcome_in_this_party.html
(I know you can't directly link off comments, but it's easy to just copy and paste.)
How come Obama, Pelosi, and Reid never get accused of pandering to the left?
Marco Rubio is a 100% FAKE, PHONY, FRAUD.
He whines about de facto amnesty while doing everything he can as a legislator to CAUSE AND CREATE de facto amnesty.
Thank God that voters are finally starting to see through his con game, and will, in all probability, kick his LYING ASS out of office in 2016 when Allen West or some other TRUE conservative primaries him in Florida.
" Allen West or some other TRUE conservative primaries him in Florida."
What, like *yet another* *true* conservative with zero ideas, just the old waldorf and statler moaning from the balcony you mean? lol
BTW, as per the comment in the Gingrich upload, I'm still waiting for someone to tell me- in detail- a full A4 sized outline of Ted Cruz's (or any other *true* conservative's) healthcare plan lol
The GOP are the village joke.
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