Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Ronald Reagan: 'We Must Fight' (A reminder of what a leader looks like).

Many in the Republican Party need to watch and learn. I can guarantee that Ted Cruz is familiar with it. I wouldn't be surprised if he could recite the speech from memory.

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RomneyMan said...

Interesting, as I'm not sure how much 'fighting' went on from the former Democrat when:

“raised taxes in seven of his eight years in office,” including four times in just two years. (11 times in his admin)"

"Reagan nearly tripled the federal budget deficit. During the Reagan years, the debt increased to nearly $3 trillion, “roughly three times as much as the first 80 years of the century had done altogether.”

"Reagan grew the size of the federal government tremendously. Reagan promised “to move boldly, decisively, and quickly to control the runaway growth of federal spending,” but federal spending “ballooned” under Reagan."

As governor of California in 1967, Reagan signed a bill to liberalize the state’s abortion laws that “resulted in more than a million abortions.”

"Reagan gave amnesty to 3 million undocumented immigrants."

Yeah, I wish I had that much 'fight'.

RomneyMan said...

Admittedly though, it was a great speech!

Right Wingnut said...

It's is good thing Karl Rove wasn't his pollster!


I have to agree with RM on this one.

Reagan's record did NOT match his rhetoric.

Not even close.

But rhetoric DOES matter - as Mitt Romney discovered, much to his dismay - because you can NOT get elected without it!!!


BTW, here's my list of personal favorites for 2016:

1 - Ted Cruz
2 - Ben Carson
3 - Nikki Haley
4 - Jim DeMint
5 - Steve King

I don't know which of these five will actually run in 2016, but I would be pleased as Punch if any of them are at the top or bottom of the GOP presidential ticket.

PS - I was going to put Rand Paul on my 2016 list until he FLIP-FLOPPED on amnesty for illegal aliens. For those of you who think that adding 30 million(not 11 million) poorly educated, poverty-stricken, government-dependent, Spanish-speaking invaders to the American electorate is not enormously problematic for the GOP and the country, you are dead wrong. It would end America as we know it, if Obama hasn't already accomplished that by then.

Pablo said...

RM, I hate to inform that you were referring to a different Reagan -- the one that existed. When "conservatives" recall Reagan, they are referring to a mythical creature that they have created in their mind. They have taken a popular Republican President and have attached to him all of the qualties that they believe in. Of course, most people know that the reality is Reagan, if he were running for office today, would have been run out of the party before he could even announce that he was running for something. I mean if down-the-line checkbox conservative Marco Rubio can be excommunicated from the clan over one position he has taken over immigration, imagine how talk radio and the Club for Growth would grab the Gipper by the balls on the heresies you have just detailed. And by the way, your list is not exhaustive. There are quite a few more gems than that that would get Erick Erickson and company on the march to try to take down another "squishy" establishment type.

Ohio JOE said...

"I mean if down-the-line checkbox conservative Marco Rubio can be excommunicated from the clan over one position he has taken over immigration," Pot calling kettle Black. You are against Mr. Rbio because you do not agree with his position on ObamaCare.


Pablo -

Limbaugh, Levin, Hannity and other "conservative" commentators who wax poetic about Reagan CONFUSE his rhetoric with his record.

Reagan's rhetoric was very conservative. His actual record, NOT SO MUCH.

Had Reagan's record lived up to his rhetoric, he would be even MORE POPULAR among the public than he is today.

Pablo said...

No, I don´t like him because he is a down-the-line, checkbox conservative who is scared to death of offending talk radio and will serve them and them only if he is President instead of trying to find solutions to our problems. His Shutting down the government gambit was the last straw.

Ohio JOE said...

" His Shutting down the government gambit was the last straw." Hello earth to Pablo, when did Mr. Rubio shut down the government????

Ohio JOE said...

BTW, your hatred for talk radio is greater than your love of the cause. Gotta love the entertainment value at least.

Anonymous said...

It's not a small matter that Rubio's claim to fame is being hispanic, and that the GOP needed his help on the issue of illegal immigration, but he OPPOSED us instead. Once elected, not only was Rubio's door closed to those who elected him from the GOP, he has an open door to La Raza, etc. You seem WILLFULLY ignorant and pretend Rubio made some little "mistake."

In the 2010 election Florida supporters WARNED candidate Rubio that if amnesty came to a vote on the floor of the senate they'd hold him personally responsible; because he IS personally responsible. Rubio has earned his infamy and dishonor by conducting himself like a bizarro-traitor.

Rubio hasn't been able to help Republicans, it is no big loss. He is dead to the GOP. Democrats in here need to face reality, rubio's FULLY exposed himself. Give it up, obamabots.

Stopping amnesty is SO vital to USA, freedom, our economy, and Republicans that Ann Coulter tells us to be a single-issue voting team. Rubio is under the SAME rules as everyone. If you're pro amnesty, WE DO NOT CARE about anything else.

Stopping illegal immigration is the fight of our generation. Freedom is never free. We must fight for our liberty. Palestinians also think they can mass populate in Israel to take over the government there. This is NOT a new concept.

MANY who comment here are Democrats who only pretend they are conservatives. They continually favor RINO candidates while mocking everything conservatives love.

They consistently push RINO candidates in upcoming elections. They claim conservatives' only hope to win is for the GOP to nominate a RINO, yet they are the same commentators who turn around and denigrate Romney claiming that Romney is a RINO!?

Who enjoys twisting the knife about Reagan's record not living up to his rhetoric? Real conservatives do NOT enjoy dwelling on our disappointment in Reagan.

In fact 'romneyman' manages to be in your face using the moniker "RomneyMan," although he can't insult mitt romney often enough. Why? Sadomasochism?

One should not take the posts in here seriously, too often they are two-faced and meant to deceive others.

It is amnesty or it isn't. Rubio defines "path to citizenship" as code for amnesty. He was right. There is no compromise. Someone obeys our laws, or they have negative consequences.

Giving legal status rewards wrongful behavior, accomplishing the very thing they sought by violating the law.

Enforcement is the change we need. It is the ONLY way to a lawful system. There have been 7 amnesties since 1986, we've had plenty of chances to get legal. It must stop.

There is nothing urgent today. If Obama wanted to secure the border, he would. It is required by our laws. HE is the reason right now we don't have border security. That is his job. He needs to stop trying to takeover our economy, and do his job to secure and to protect our borders.

RomneyMan said...

Don't ya just love it when cowards hide behind their mrs anonymous tag? lol

Anonymous said...

Debbie Wasserman-Shultz thinks soldiers voting is too partisan! In a free country, the government doesn't get to run unopposed. America believes in dissent. Most disagree with Obama and his motley crew.

Let the Democrats compromise for a change. We Republicans have suffered from leaders who do NOT represent how conservative we are. The nation is conservative-center, but the march toward a communist regime keeps grinding on unopposed.

We cannot compromise. There has already been too much of that. That is how we drove up the debt, out our businesses, and arrived at a lawless administration.

We HAVE diversity. What we need is unity, and strength of resolve in re-establishing our national sovereignty. Europeans keep warning us, and they need us to succeed.

RomneyMan said...

don't panic guys, the long rambling rants have all the *qualities* of btp *again*, though this time ashamed of himself and going under 'anonymous' lol

Time to hit the switch off on the remote!

Anonymous said...

Why? is someone scared of HER?

Anonymous said...

Maybe obamabots in phony conservative uniforms just want to make it appear that republicans have a war on women, by fomenting gang attacks on female perspectives in the chat?

Anonymous said...

You do realize that although Reagan did things many conservatives disapprove of now, we didn't understand the impact of all of them until we saw the results. Amnesty certainly being one of the major policies I am speaking of. Of course, somehow the border never got secured, as promised, and, voila, we have many more illegals now. We rewarded lawbreakers and more came, fancy that! Now that we know what happens when we reward bad behavior, you would think we might be able to get at least a border fence and some type of visa overstay enforcement without being told we are too extreme, but that is too big of a demand for Washington bureaucrats to meet.... That's the real hot water Rubio and others are in; why can't we get any real-not-dependent-wholly-on-the-executive-branch-enforcement? I live pretty close to our porous southern border and know something about it. Visa overstays may be a big deal, but here it is the border....

Anyway, we know how bad our deal was in 1986, and we are doing everything we know how to prevent another bad deal. I believe we are also entitled to learn from our mistakes.