Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Romney: Don't defund ObamaCare

I don't have the urge or the energy to slam Mitt anymore, and frankly his opinion doesn't carry much weight at this point.

Mitt Romney on Tuesday warned congressional Republicans against shutting down the government in an attempt to defund ObamaCare. 
“I badly want ObamaCare to go away, and stripping it of funds has appeal,” Romney said at a fundraiser in New Hampshire for the state’s Republican Party, according to prepared remarks. “But we need to exercise great care about any talk of shutting down government. What would come next when soldiers aren’t paid, when seniors fear for their Medicare and Social Security, and when the FBI is off duty?” 
Speaking at the event in Wolfeboro, just miles from his summer vacation home, the 2012 Republican presidential candidate said “there are better ways to remove” President Obama’s signature healthcare law. 
“I’m afraid that in the final analysis, ObamaCare would get its funding, our party would suffer in the next elections, and the people of the nation would not be happy,” he said. “I think there are better ways to remove ObamaCare.”
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Lori Patriot said...

YOUR TITLE OF YOUR POST IS INACCURATE. He said use caution and do not jeopardize other programs. YOU ARE A DISHONEST TROLL.

Machtyn said...

Wow! Just as before, taking a complicated argument that Mitt makes and simplifying it to the point of making it sound completely different. Typical tactic of Romney haters.

Mitt Romney makes highly detailed and complicated arguments that don't have great or good sound bites. And it looks like only part of his argument is represented in this article. But enough has been retained so that the careful reader will recognize this attempt at a slam will backfire upon further scrutiny.

BOSMAN said...



Come on RWN, YOU KNOW he means, Don't tie Continuing resolutions to Obamacare. THAT'S ALL!

Anonymous said...

RW, lol. No urge?

Anyway, of course he's right. Talk about messing up 2014. Alas, some on the right don't think clearly or strategically!

Everything right now is about 2014. There's no better way to help Obama, than by shutting down government. Hello. He's egging you on with a smile on his face. Don't be stupid.

Oh, but it sure feels good to go down in flames with your 'principles' intact, don't it!

Same old stupid right wing loud mouths. Don't they get tired of being so dense? They badly need Mitt in office. It would have been a good learning experience for them. Ha ha.


BOSMAN said...

The problem with the Cruz, Lee, Rubio, etc are talking Shutdown when 'SHUTDOWN' should not be what they're talking about.

DEFUNDING OBAMACARE is fine to talk about...'The threats'...not so much.

They can go ahead and pass a continuing resolution without funding Obamacare, just don't use the THREATENING TERMS.

That's also what Mitt meant.

I'm a mind reader...I Know.

Right Wingnut said...

There are no quotes in the title. It summarizes what he said, does it not?

Right Wingnut said...

No, Bosman. That's not what he meant. It seems you and Mitt are on opposite sides of this issue.

“I’m afraid that in the final analysis, ObamaCare would get its funding, our party would suffer in the next elections, and the people of the nation would not be happy,” he said. “I think there are better ways to remove ObamaCare.”

Anonymous said...

RW, Romney is right, and I don't understand what is so hard about it to comprehend!

There's pitchfork theatrics which never work and turn off voters, and then there's level-headed reality-based strategy that considers the big picture. But the right is too stupid for that, unfortunately.

Sorry, I don't see where suicide bombing is called for just yet. That gets us nowhere.


Right Wingnut said...


Cruz makes it clear that shutting down the government would be Obama's doing, and it would be up to Republicans to educate the American people. They are not threatening a government shutdown.

The only people using "shutdown" in those terms are those who are opposed to defunding ObamaCare in the continuing Mitt.

Right Wingnut said...

Romney should check out the following, because he is misinformed as to what happens in a government shutdown. Either that, or he's fear mongering.

....Vital Services Keep Running: The term shutdown substantially overstates the matter. The most essential services continue, such as: (1) providing for national security, (2) conducting foreign affairs, (3) providing for the continuity of mandatory benefit payments, and (4) protecting life and property. These services include military, law enforcement, veterans care, and others. Social Security checks are still mailed and self-funded agencies like the Postal Service would continue operating.....

Ohio JOE said...

"The problem with the Cruz, Lee, Rubio, etc are talking Shutdown when 'SHUTDOWN' should not be what they're talking about." That is not an intellectually honest quote, they are not talking about shutting down the government, they are talking about keeping the rest of the government open, just defundeing ObamaCare.

Right Wingnut said...

...Tea Party Patriots co-founder Jenny Beth Martin told Breitbart News on Tuesday night, “Romney did not want to fight to repeal Obamacare while he was on the campaign so it is no surprise be would not fight now."...

...FreedomWorks spokeswoman Jackie Bodnar told Breitbart News, “I would think Mitt Romney, of all people, would know that the Party suffers in election years when the issue of ObamaCare is taken off the table, not placed as the centerpiece....

....ForAmerica chairman Brent Bozell said it would be foolish for Republicans and conservatives to take political advice from Mitt Romney. "The last person the conservative movement should turn to for winning advice is Mitt Romney,” Bozell said in a statement provided to Breitbart News. “Far from being a hero when it comes to the issue of health care, he foisted RomneyCare on Massachusetts, his own government-run health care scheme. If he had been consistent in opposition to big government, perhaps we wouldn't be facing a situation where President Obama is threatening to shut down the government if he doesn't get funding for the 'train wreck' that is ObamaCare."....

Right Wingnut said...

.....“I’m struggling to see how the Party suffers in fighting to defund an entitlement that’s expected to be paid with money we don’t have, that the President himself admits isn’t ready for full implementation, that congressional staffers and connected insiders want--and get--exemptions from, and that will be enforced by the IRS (aka the agency recently caught abusing its discretionary power to target political enemies),” Bodnar said. “If anything, doesn’t the political liability rest in doing nothing?...


That's the last straw. I've had it with Mitt Romney. Hasn't he done enough damage to the GOP - and the country - already? He needs to just go away and never be heard from again.

RW is 100% correct. Romney, RINOs, Obama and the Dems are the ONLY PEOPLE talking about "shutting down the government."

Ted Cruz certainly is not, he is talking about KEEPING THE GOVERNMENT TOTALLY FUNDED, EXCEPT FOR OBAMACARE.

Romney just doesn't have the guts to fight. That's why he lost an election last November that he NEVER should've lost. That's why he will go down in history as running one of the worst presidential campaigns of all-time.


Hey Mitt, how did your VP pick work out for you?

You know, the guy from Wisconsin who's been running around the country promoting amnesty for 30 million illegal aliens.

You know, the guy who thinks "living within our means" is making nickel & dime cuts in spending that don't balance the budget until 2040(or thereabouts).

You know, the guy who couldn't even carry his VERY WINNABLE home state - a very important SWING state - for the GOP ticket.

How did that pick work out for you, Mitt?

That pick was even DUMBER than your latest comments about "shutting down the government."

Just go away, Mitt. Please, just go away.


"The last person the conservative movement should turn to for winning advice is Mitt Romney." ~ Brent Bozell

Well said, Brent. Very well said indeed.


"I think there are better ways to remove ObamaCare." ~ Mitt Romney

Oh yeah, Mitt. Name one!!!

Right Wingnut said...

It's interesting that Romney proposed granting waivers to all 50 states when he was campaigning - a move that would have been far more controversial, and probably illegal.

In this instance, Congress has the legal and constitutional authority to act. Actually....if checks and balances mean anything, they have a DUTY to act. There's a reason the framers didn't grant the power of the purse to the Exectutive branch.


I'm honestly starting to think that another 4 years of Obama in the White House is way, way, way better than 8 years, possibly 16 years, of Romney and Ryan in the White House had they won the election instead.

I'm not all the way there yet, but I'm getting close.

Anonymous said...

RW, are you kidding? Of course shutting the gov down would be Obama's fault! Are you dense? You can explain it until the cows come home, and at the end of the day, we will lose ground in the midterms.

Reality doesn't matter much when you CAN'T explain things coherently enough for the American people to get it. Obama plays the game very well. Republicans, not so much.


Anonymous said...

Geeze, everyone with their hair on fire because Mitt said something sensible. We deserve to lose.


Right Wingnut said...


You should review the Heritage article I linked to earlier that explains what happens in a government shutdown. Even if the morons among us (undoubtedly Obama voters) blame Republicans for Obama shutting it down, it's really not that big of a deal. Furthermore, we're 15 months from the election!

It's a fight worth having. If the American people were on board with this law, I might agree with you.


Romney just doesn't have the guts to fight, the guts to take a stand, the guts to challenge the liberal Washington establishment.

All he wants the GOP to do is "manage the decline" of our country.

Don't ruffle any feathers. Don't rock the boat. Just "manage the decline" of our once, but no longer, great nation.


If the GOP can't take a stand on defunding ObamaCare, which most voters WANT to be defunded, than what issue on God's green earth are they willing to take a stand on?


Even high-ranking Democrat officials admit that ObamaCare is a "TRAIN WRECK".

Yet somehow, Romney thinks defunding ObamaCare is "A LOSING BATTLE" for Republicans.

No wonder Romney lost last November.

His political instincts and judgement couldn't be any worse, even if he wanted them to be.

BOSMAN said...


"Newark Hawk,

"That's the last straw. I've had it with Mitt Romney....."

Or what? You'll stop throwing praise his way at every opportunity?

Joel2013 said...

Hey Newark Hawk, don't forget to let us know exactly how you feel about Romney, OK? I'll respond in greater detail later today, but I will state now that if you read Romney's remarks in full context, he is absolutely right despite what the militant right thinks here. Isn't this the same militant right that supposedly cost us the election last time around by staying at home sulking? Nice job.

BOSMAN said...

All we need is Jersey Republican to show up now.

Then we could have a real Romney Bash...hahahaha..

RomneyMan said...

Stop saying bad things about Mitt. It's a well known fact that you're not allowed to say bad things about Mitt.

RomneyMan said...


""I think there are better ways to remove ObamaCare." ~ Mitt Romney

Oh yeah, Mitt. Name one!!!"

How about 'repeal and replace'?

BOSMAN said...


If they weren't allowed, I'd be talking to myself.

Right Wingnut said...


By "militant right" you must be referring to me, OJ, and NH. We did not stay home sulking. I waited in line for an hour to cast a meaningless vote (Minnesota) for Romney. I believe the others fell into line as well.

There's a slice of the electorate who needs to be inspired by a candidate to get off the couch and go to the polls. It may be stupid, but that's how it has always been, and always will be. It's the candidate's (and campaign staff's) responsibility to turn them out. It's a significant part of winning an election.

RomneyMan said...

" I waited in line for an hour to cast a meaningless vote (Minnesota) for Romney."

lol, that 'unskewed polls' garbage that many a tool on here used to follow had Romney predicted to take MN

Right Wingnut said...

I didn't believe the "unskewed poll" garbage. Granted, some of them were certainly skewed. I thought it was a 2 point race heading into the election, favoring Obama.

Right Wingnut said...

I actually think the "unskewed" people, along with some of the other talking heads set expectations too high for the GOP ticket. They would have been better served calling it a toss up.


@ Lori Patriot & Machtyn (up top)

There's nothing "subtle", "detailed" or "complicated" about Romney's statement.

He was clear and direct: he does NOT want the GOP to try to defund ObamaCare because "THERE ARE BETTER WAYS TO REMOVE IT"(although he failed to name any).


I know that both of you are huge Romney fans and don't want to believe that he said what he said.

I was also taken aback and very disappointed by his statement.

But it is what is. We can't twist Romney's words to suit our own wishes. Sometimes it's better just to admit that you were wrong about someone or something, and move on.

Ohio JOE said...

"Reality doesn't matter much when you CAN'T explain things coherently enough for the American people to get it." That is exactly why we won 2010, but not 2012.

We need to learn that Moderate loose cannonry does not win election. When the Pablos and company continue to shoot their moothes off before thinking, it is this kind of crap that loses elections.


@ RM

"Repeal and Replace"

Yeah right, that worked out real well for Romney and the GOP in 2012.

As Mitt would say, "nice try", try again.

RomneyMan said...

" That is exactly why we won 2010, but not 2012."

yeah, I'm not quite sure if you're aware, but 2010 were like 'mid term elections, and not a general?

Kind of different turnout/type of voter

Clinton, Regan both had p-poor mid terms, but had no bearing on their re-elections.

I love the mid term heads that try to extrapolate all sorts of junk from them

Right Wingnut said...

W and Clinton both had one very bad midterm, and one very good one. It's not a given that Republicans clean up. However, 2010 was a win of historic proportions for the GOP, and they didn't accomplish that by caving to the Democrats.

Machtyn said...

Hey look, it's a Romney Bash (minus one participant).

Newark: Oh, look. You've disqualified your own argument.

Your argument: Romney was clear in his message
The disqualifier in your argument: (although he failed to name any).

At least you used full disclosure. Here's the point. Don't you think that Romney, a fellow who knows how to stay a step ahead in private business... at least enough to save and build over 100 businesses, enough to save an Olympics and to outmaneuver his liberal Senate and introduce Conservatism to a very Liberal state has an idea of how to better remove the PPACA?

Yes, I think he does. The setting may not have afforded him the time or ability to expound on those measures, at least in sound bite form.

On another note, I have no doubt the haters here would be among the group making it difficult for a President Romney to have fully effected the necessary changes in DC, moreso than the Democrats. They can only see the end goal but cannot comprehend the steps needed to be taken to get to that goal. And the media would FEED off that fervor like nothing we'd ever saw in the election process.

Ohio JOE said...

"Hey look, it's a Romney Bash (minus one participant)." Oh please, if another Republican was such a loose cannon, we would not hear the end of it. If everybody else should think before putting his foot in his mouth, Mr. Romney should do the same.

Right Wingnut said...


A casual browse of the web confirms that pretty much everyone is interpreting Romney's words the way I am. I haven't run across any opinions that mirror yours.

That said, his plan to remove ObamaCare was to grant waivers to all 50 states. At the time, some on the right determined that his strategy would not have worked. It certainly would have been much more controversial than what Cruz, Lee, etc. are proposing, and there's no question as to the legality of their stated plan. I don't really believe Mitt would have followed through with the 50 state waiver plan, do you? C'mon......

Anonymous said...

As I recall, Obama's strategy of blaming Republicans worked really well, which is exactly what Romney's strategy of granting waivers for all 50 states avoided.

Ohio JOE said...

Maybe he would have followed through on his plan, we should still give him the benefit of the doubt. However, Mr. Romney is in the wrong to bad-mouth Mr. Cruz.

Anonymous said...

As I recall, Obama's strategy of blaming Republicans for not getting anything done worked really well, which is exactly what Romney's strategy of granting waivers for all 50 states avoided.

-->corrected previous post

Anonymous said...

I don't really believe Mitt would have followed through with the 50 state waiver plan, do you? C'mon......

Romney really is a man of his word. Yes, he would have followed through.

Right Wingnut said...


We didn't hear much about Mitt's 50 state waiver plan in the general election campaign, did we? Many of us called it right when we said ObamaCare would be off the table with a Romney nomination.

Right Wingnut said...

Nothing in the legislation permits the executive branch to grant such waivers unless the state can enact a plan of its own with provisions even more stringent than ObamaCare. If he thinks we can win the argument for defunding obamaCare, I'm not sure how he felt he could win the other one. I suspect it was just tough talk to deflect from his own health care problem.

Right Wingnut said...

*if he thinks we CAN'T win the argument

(iPhone typo)

Joel2013 said...

I pretty much know most of you by your posts here, as all of you know me. If in fact there was a group of so-called conservatives who stayed home this past election and allowed the incumbent to win, then those are who I would label as militant right, more so than anyone here. A cursory review of the internet's reactions to Romney's words will always slant against him, that is to expected, so no real surprise there. I believe Romney would have done everything he stated he would, whatever was necessary to turn things around as quickly as possible.

Right Wingnut said...

Here's what I wrote over two years ago. You can't just waive a magic wand and make it to away.

Romney's ObamaCare Waiver Plan is a Farce


In his first interview after the November 6th election, Chris Wallace asked Romney if he had any advice for future GOP presidential candidates.

Romney said "Why should they listen to me? I just lost to Obama. I have no credibility."


But, for some strange reason, Romney thinks the GOP should listen to his advice regarding the continuing resolution's funding of ObamaCare.

No, the GOP should NOT listen to Romney's advice regarding ANYTHING that has to do with politics, because on that subject, he's absolutely clueless.


@ Machtyn

You missed my point. Romney's statement about not using the continuing resolution to defund ObamaCare was clear and direct, but HE NEVER SPECIFIED what the "better alternatives" for removing it were, because apparently, HE HAD NONE!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, alot of lies flying around here about Romney! Ha ha. Haters gonna hate!

Well, you can lie and hate all you want to, that's your business. But, trashing Romney does you no good, nor did it during the past 4 years.

Romney talked about the waivers and repealing ObamaCare until he was blue in the face. You're crazy and stupid if you don't realize that Romney in the white house was the best shot we had to fix healthcare, and EVERYTHING.

I still don't understand the hate, but you guys just keep living in the past and don't you dare learn anything from it.


Anonymous said...

Instead of trying to tear down Romney, our side might want to side up to him and pick his brain. I don't know if you noticed RWN or not, but he's been proven 100 percent right on everything from the Mid East to Detroit BK. He has the track record, and each week, it becomes more and more real that HE WAS RIGHT. So.... instead of slamming Romney for your own ill found pleasure, you might want to learn something from him.

Pablo said...

Well, I suppose I should give my two cents: Romney was stating the obvious. Republicans cannot possibly win using the shut down the government approach. As to how sincere he was concerning repealing health care, we will never know for sure. Certainly he must be sympathetic towards Obamacare, but I am sure that he decided that he simply has to be against Obamacare because of his circumstances of running for President. And I have no doubt that he would have tried to repeal it or at least reform it had he been elected. But we will never know.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Romney should have quit his gov' job half way through to take a gig on fox, wear tight clothes and call himself a sexy grandpa (which btw, he is without saying it!).

I guess when we lower our standards, we get you-know-who, and not Romney. ;)

ConservativeGurl said...

Romney is just reminding our group that there is a time for everything. So long as Obama has control of the media, he will spin this how he wants. Obama is the author of 'shutdown'. it's not the first time he has used it and it won't be the last!

Also, these ppl saying Romney didn't want to shut down Obamacare? Complete lies!! These are the same people who helped Obama to get re-elected a second term, because they refused to back Romney. If they got off their butts and stood up for Romney. We would have already shut down Obamacare and we wouldn't be in the mess we are.

Here they are continuing to spews the lies they did during the campaign. They are NO different than Obama!

Romney “What the Court did not do on its last day in session, I will do on my first day if elected. I will act to repeal Obamacare."

Romney "Obamacare" is bad policy, bad law

Right Wingnut said...

Romney “What the Court did not do on its last day in session, I will do on my first day if elected. I will act to repeal Obamacare."

That's great, but it wouldn't have been repealed with a Democrat Senate. Defunding is the only option.

Right Wingnut said...

We'll all look back on this 10 years from now, after single payer takes effect due to the complete collapse of private insurers. Those who are on the wrong side of this will have much explaining to do. That is unless they have no interest in repealing the law in the first place.

Anonymous said...

Right Wing Nut.. you are Freedumb Works are lying.. Mitt made it a very large part of his campaign to get rid of Obama care.. either you were not listening, you do NO research or you want to lie. Which it is is up to you to figure out, but you really need to stop lying. Mitt was very clear in every single rally and every time he talked that he would figure out a way to get rid of Obama care.. you need to GROW UP AND STOP LYING!!!

Doug NYC GOP said...

RWN is still P.O. Palin didn't run or be the nominee in 2012 - especially after all the sighs said she would....Mama Grizzly Video, Stalking Mitt Romney's Opening Day and the L
"Let's re-write the story of Paul Revere Tour" (After which we b=never saw that dumb bus again btw)

So he has latched himself onto the 2016 version of Palin in the persona of Ted Cruz.

I'm not anti-Cruz, I just get a kick out of the tactics RWN employs.

Seems to have a lot of pent up frustrations......

Right Wingnut said...

I'm actually not bothered at all that Palin didn't run.

She clearly did not want to.

We recently found out that Mitt didn't want to run either. He should have trusted his initial judgement.

You could argue that the others were weak too. I agree. That said, many stayed out because Mitt was "next in line." We could have had a much stronger field.

Haven't been able to find you with a freaking searchlight ever since Romney's loss. I was wondering if we'd ever hear from you again. ;)

Doug NYC GOP said...

Well I accepted a new job in Sept 2011 which is a lot more involved which is why my post production slowed to a trickle.

Then Sandy hit and we were displaced till Feb.

After the election I didn't listen to the political news for about...well till about now.

The whole "Fiscal Cliff" business was sheer nonsense and so scripted.

I find much of politics to be this way....different actors take the stage but the script is the same...

That is why I am more open to hearing what the Libertarians have to say...don't agree with everything, but they have a voice which needs to be heard.

Hope all has been well with you....

Right Wingnut said...


I hear ya. The usual suspects continue to show up on Fox and talk tough, but rarely back it up with action. Then they rub salt in the wound by sounding like Democrats when they're sitting across from David Gregory.

It always seems like such a rigged game....

Anonymous said...

Pablo, I have no doubt Romney would have died trying to get rid of ObamaCare for the simple reason that he knows what most everyone knows, that it will bankrupt us, and mess up healthcare forever.


Right Wingnut said...

Martha! Don't you think what you just said is reason enough to do everything possible to stop it, or at least slow it down, even in the face of long odds? will bankrupt us, and mess up healthcare forever.

I couldn't help but notice you had not commented on this prior to Mitt staking out his position.

cimbri said...

The Rs cannot defund the ACA without taking a merciless hit on their own priorities, ie. defense spending in their districts, etc. Another shutdown with another credit rating hit to the US. I agree with that one commentator, don't point the gun and play games unless you are really, really going to go all the way with it. No more games. Don't jeopardize our credit rating just to posture and make a few RWs out there happy.

The ACA was passed with total Dem control of the house,senate and presidency. It's not going to disappear because Rs have control of the House.

RomneyMan said...


As much as you cite Christie's record in a left state, how about Scott Walker's record in WI. Yes, WI is not as blue as NJ of course, but despite what the dreamers think, it's a good deal bluer than red.
He's had a few questions (internet tax, what's his national position on amnesty- like most govs they are too cowardly to say), but his record is overall solid?

Ohio JOE said...

"I still don't understand the hate" That coming from a Palin hater. Love the double standard.

Ohio JOE said...

"Republicans cannot possibly win using the shut down the government approach" Hello, they are talking about shutting down, ObamaCare, they have no problem with the government staying open. Stop being silly and intellectually dishonest.

Anonymous said...

RW, I resent your accusation. If you'll notice, I had not commented about anything for a day or two at least around here. My not commenting until you posted Romney's statement has nothing to do with how I feel about not shutting down the gov. lol

For me, it's simply a matter of pragmatism. Defunding ObamaCare is NOT the way to go at this moment. I'll admit that at first I thought, HELL YEAH!, but after reading quite a few different perspectives from people I respect, I realized it's foolhardy, and counterproductive to the ultimate goal of gaining seats in 2014.

More than anything else, Republicans need to get a STRATEGY, and circle the wagons. Defunding ObamaCare is just one more issue we're infighting about, and that only helps Obama.


Anonymous said...

OJ, touche. You are exactly right. But you surely have noticed that I don't have much to say about Palin these days.


Indiana13 said...

I see we are still having to endure lies.. Tell me.. why is it you want to lie abt Mitt and go ferociously after him, but you don't seem to go after the Liberals and dems with same ferocity. I find it shameful that someone who made such a huge sacrifice of time and finances gets absolutely no respect. You ought to be ashamed of yourself. The one Anonymous that called you out for lying was exactly correct... You are pathetic.

RomneyMan said...


There are like 75 posts on this topic, so perhaps before you start running your mouth, it may just be a decent idea to indicate which particular poster(s) your 'talking' too.

Anonymous said...

OJ, I have never said I hated Palin. I have said I don't trust her and don't respect her. There's a difference. Ellie.

Anonymous said...

I have to post and say hi to everyone on the thread. In Japanese they say o-hisashiburi. It basically means long time no see. Good to see you again Machtyn and Doug! You all know I am a Romney admirer, so no bashing from me. I have heard some of the pro and con arguments on defunding Obamacare. I'm still not convinced it's a battle we can win, with the media all attacking pubs all the time. So my emotions are mixed about that. I DO think that our representatives and senators openly criticizing each other over this is not great. The dems also disagree over tactics, but the press ignores their disagreements and focuses on every republican food fight there is. Let's not do that to each other....