Thursday, August 22, 2013

Rep Trey Gowdy (R-SC) feels your pain...HE REALLY DOES

H/T Joel2013

This has to be one of the most moving, heartfelt set of comments, I have ever listened to from a elected official. And to top it all, he's spot on.

I've just added this man to my 2016 watch list:

Rep. Gowdy addresses IRS Official Responsible for Lavish Conferences:

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Joel2013 said...

If you do not know this man yet you need to get to know him. He is someone I admire for his no nonsense approach to communicating his viewpoints without fear for any political consequences. He speaks the truth when he talks and does so in an eloquent manner very few politicians can ever hope to match. If you compare him to the so-called contenders, he is a breath of fresh air. A true servant to the people. I feel he has a very bright future ahead of him.


"Gowdy's no nonsense approach"?!?

"Gowdy speaks the truth"?!?

"Gowdy is a breath of fresh air"?!?

"Gowdy is a true servant to the people"?!?

I don't think so. Read it and weep:

I don't always agree with Levin, but he's spot on regarding Gowdy being a RINO on the immigration issue - a life or death issue not only for the GOP, but for America as we know it.