Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Op-ed: Facebook Blackout Day...conservative voices standing strong

Facebook Blackout Day...conservative voices standing strong  
By: Diane Sori
Enforcing set rules in an arbitrary fashion is referred to as 'selective enforcement' and the Facebook gods are probably more guilty of this action than anyone else on the internet. With 'selective enforcement' being recognized as a sign of tyranny...an abuse of power...because it allows certain 'select' people to adjudicate so-called justice only when they so choose and to whom they so choose, the Facebook gods have now elevated 'selective enforcement' to an art form.
Setting themselves up as judge and jury over what can and cannot be posted...what can and cannot be liked, shared, and/or commented on...the Facebook gods sitting in their ivory tower have, in their infinite wisdom, decided that conservative voices must be silenced...if NOT totally at least by sending those voices to the infamous Facebook jail for a timeout...a timeout that can last months if they so choose.
And I know of which I speak for I have been in the infamous Facebook jail seven times within the past year and a half.  The last time was for 60 days for a post I did NOT post nor was I on the internet when the article in question was posted for Crapcast...ooops I mean Comcast...was down yet again, and I had NO internet service for almost 24 hours.  Yet I was banned for someone else's post...for a post the other person admitted to posting...because I happened to have been one of X-number of administrators on the site it was posted on, and should have known the post was a no-no even though I wasn't online.  Guess I was supposed to have ESP and known it was there...LOL.  Seems like now all administrators are responsible to oversee every post, picture, comment, like, etc. on the sites they administer on...which by the way is just about impossible to do, and the Facebook gods know this but just don't care.  This is just one of their many ways to say some ridiculous rule has been broken, and it's usually a rule buried deep within their pages and pages of other ridiculous rules that they 'selectively' pull out to use only against conservative voices. 
And so the new reality is that every day many conservative voices across the great Facebook divide are being or have been silenced.
And while NO one is forced to join Facebook, those who do join rightfully expect the rules to apply to everyone equally...both conservative and liberal voices must be treated as equals for there as many conservative voices and sites as there are liberal voices and sites on Facebook. 
Also, lest we forget that when Facebook started trading on the very public NY Stock Exchange they lost certain 'censorship' rights afforded to privately traded companies, and had to adhere to the Exchange rules on censorship...something the Facebook gods have chosen to ignore and have gotten away with ignoring...and I think you can guess why.
To this end a nationwide 'blackout' of Facebook has been organized to protest the arbitrary and oh so 'selectively enforced' policies and suddenly appearing 'rules of use' targeting conservative voices and sites and only conservative voices and sites. So this is an issue of basic fairness being extended to all Facebook users NO matter their political leanings.
To send a message to the Facebook gods that we conservatives will NOT be silenced, on Sunday, August 25th, all conservatives are being asked to suspend (deactivate) their Facebook accounts for at least 24 hours, and that if you're a business or promoting a page and have a FB advertising account, you're being asked to suspend that account for the 24 hour period also.
Now while I wholeheartedly agree with the premise of this event I must be honest with all my blog followers, Facebook friends, and those on the sites I administer on and say that while I will stay off Facebook that day...including NOT logging-in to even so much as view Facebook...I will NOT deactivate my account, temporarily or otherwise for the one thing the event organizers did NOT take into account or just overlooked is the fact that the Facebook gods' computers will know who has deactivated their accounts either temporarily or permanently.  And knowing that and knowing why the accounts were closed they can stop that person from reactivating their accounts, and for many of us who use Facebook for business or who use Facebook in our jobs as professional writers and bloggers, we cannot afford to permanently lose our access to Facebook.
So while NOT logging into Facebook but NOT deactivating my account is my way of honoring the intentions and spirit of Facebook Blackout Day, whatever way you decide to honor that day please take a few moments while off Facebook to check out the alternative venues to Facebook along with some great conservative blogs...venues like Lady Patriots, Patriot Space, Tea Party Tribune, Tea Party Community, Official Tea Party USA, Tea Party Organizers, Freedom Torch, Freedom Connector, Well Regulated Militias, United Patriots, American Conservative 2 Conservative, Goggle Plus, Twitter, and conservative blogs like The Patriot Factor, Conservative Firing Line, The National Patriot, Patriot Press, Libusters, The Dryer Report, Right Speak, The Daily Rant, and many others.
But above all else, remember the famous saying, 'united we stand, divided we fall' and please join us on Sunday, August 25th, and stand strong against the Facebook gods and their censorship of conservative voices and sites.  United together we will send a powerful message that conservative voices will NOT be silenced.
Related sites:
http://www.examiner.com/article/facebook-bans-conservative-blogger-for-linkshe-didnot-post  http://conservativefiringline.com/announcing-everyone-blog-about-facebook-blackout-day  

If you like what you see, please "Like" us on Facebook either here or here. Please follow us on Twitter here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh heavens, Diane. Tryanny and abuse of power on Facebook? Ha ha. GET A LIFE!
