Saturday, August 24, 2013

Obamanomics: In 13 States, Welfare Pays More Than $15 an Hour

CLICK HERE to read the study.
In 35 states, you can actually make more money on welfare than you can with a minimum wage job! In 13 of those states, welfare pays $15 an hour. 
For instance, if you live in Hawaii, where the minimum wage is $7.25, through both the state and federal welfare programs, you could take in a whopping $29.13 an hour! 
The finds come 17 years after the Clinton administration, with bipartisan support from Congress, passed landmark welfare reform legislation that was supposed to move Americans away from entitlements and into the workforce. 
However, “welfare benefits continue to outpace the income that most recipients can expect to earn from an entry-level job,” the study authors said. “And the balance between welfare and work may actually have grown worse in recent years.”
Read the rest HERE and view related videos below:

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1 comment:

BOSMAN said...

And we wonder Why Welfare is so attractive and addictive, read why and take a peek at 'The Work Versus Welfare Trade-Off 2013' that I've included.