Monday, August 26, 2013

NYC: The Condom Candidate for Mayor wants to make sure your 11-year-old Daughter is protected after having sex

Now that she's declared war on faulty Condoms, she wants to make sure that your promiscuous 11 year old daughter is protected from unwanted pregnancies:
It “can make some people uncomfortable,” but City Council Speaker Christine Quinn says she’s open to allowing middle-school girls as young as 11 to receive the morning-after contraceptive pill.
“This is a really important option we need to make accessible,” Quinn said yesterday after receiving a mayoral endorsement from the Planned Parenthood of New York City Political Committee. 
“I understand it can make some people uncomfortable. We need to recognize the reality of what’s happening in children’s lives and give them what they need to make the right choices and protect themselves,” Quinn added.
Read the full story HERE.

Is this really the best the Democrats of NYC have to offer? Weiner? Quinn? What's Jimmy McMillan of the "Rent Is Too Damn High Party." doing?

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BOSMAN said...

If having your pre-teen daughter having access to the morning after pill...This lady is right up your alley.

Anonymous said...

Oh geez, what is wrong with NY?


Morning in America said...

This woman needs a butt whipping from a good momma.

Morning in America said...

Or a father to box her husband for letting her act like a whore in public.