Friday, August 30, 2013

Jim DeMint discusses Defunding Obamacare in an interview on 10TV-Ohio ( full interview 08-27-13)

The president of the conservative think tank Heritage Foundation says Republicans in Congress, including Speaker of the House John Boehner, should force a showdown with president Obama over federal funding for the Affordable Care Act. 
"I think he's playing the political game, he's trying to determine which way is best for him to win the next election," said former US senator Jim DeMint in an exclusive interview with 10TV.
"Our calculations are a little different. This bill should be stopped. I think if the Congress gets back in September and they feel an overwhelming support to stop this thing it will certainly change the political calculations in Washington." 
DeMint acknowledges the political risk for the GOP in risking a federal government shutdown, but says it's a bigger risk for them not to keep their campaign promises.
"President Obama's popularity is declining and the popularity of this law is bad and growing worse," said DeMint. "If Republicans can't win this battle you have to ask yourself 'what difference does it make that they win the majority?' And I tell Republicans since when do Americans not fight for what's right because they might lose?"
Read the full story HERE and view the interview below:

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