Friday, August 30, 2013

Hidden in the Senate Immigration Bill: More Pork than a Pig Farm

After a comprehensive immigration bill passed the Senate in June, President Obama says he's "absolutely confident" it can pass the House if put to a vote. 
But critics question how many lawmakers have actually read the 1,200-page bill, which they say is packed with hidden pork-barrel spending projects ranging from $1.5 billion for a "Youth Jobs Program" to millions for immigrant support groups that some say have a political agenda.
"Earmarks, special pork deals, and cash for groups allied with the Obama administration should be eliminated from any final bill," Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., said in a statement to 
The largest program found with tenuous ties to immigration is on page 1,181 of the Senate bill, which allocates $1.5 billion for a "Youth Jobs Fund" to give states money to "provide ... employment opportunities" for teens and young adults. 
The section was introduced by Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., who first proposed the idea in a stand-alone bill in June. He said then that, "we have got to do everything we can to make sure that young Americans have the jobs they need to pay for a college education and to move up the economic ladder."
Harry Reid managed to bring home some bacon as well:
On page 217, there is a line that innocuously references another bill. But as first noted, the line actually means that the federal government will now give out $100 million per year, for an indefinite period, for a "Travel Promotion Fund" to advertise U.S. tourism destinations in foreign media outlets. The fund already started in 2011, but the immigration bill provision would extend it indefinitely. 
How did that get in the bill? It turns out the fund was initially created by legislation pushed by Nevada Sen. Harry Reid -- Las Vegas being one of the main beneficiaries of the tourism advertising. (Emphasis mine)
Read the full article HERE.

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BOSMAN said...

I guess you had to read the Bill to see all the crap that was in it?

Anonymous said...

That's the problem, Bosman! No one reads these bills and I'm sure most members of congress don't even know what's in it!

Same with ObamaCare. If people knew REALLY KNEW how it was going to affect them personally, they would want it thrown out yesterday! But I see a poll showing that a majority don't want congress to defund it.

We can't keep our country if our people refuse to inform themselves.




According to Basswood's poll, co-sponsored by the Heritage Foundation, 57% of independent voters in 10 key congressional districts FAVORED defunding ObamaCare.


And that's DESPITE opposition to defunding ObamaCare by the Democrat wing of the Republican Party, i.e. Boehner, Cantor, Ryan & Company.

Imagine how high voter support for defunding ObamaCare would be - 70%?!?!? - if the GOP was UNITED on this issue.

But 57% is pretty damn good nonetheless.

It just goes to show what STRONG LEADERSHIP on an issue can accomplish.

Thank you Ted Cruz. Thank you very much.

RomneyMan said...

I think that you'll find the post is regard to the immigration bill, not OBcare.

You know, the immigration bill that 8 months has decided to ignore and hence has helped everyone take the foot off the gas towards blanket amnesty---and a millions OBcares won't mean jack then

8 months.

Anonymous said...

Pork, in a senate bill? I'm shocked! Sarc