Monday, August 26, 2013

Here's a candidate for the Million Muslim March...another self-proclaimed victim

We're supposed to feel bad for him because dressed in Muslim clothes he throws a discarded bottle under a bus and causes a panic.

Was arrested and charged. He and his lawyer feel he's being PICKED ON because of his clothing.

How many ways are there to say...BULL SHIT?
An Islamic civil rights group and a lawyer for a 27-year-old Boston man suggested Friday that his attire and appearance were factors in his arrest the previous day, when he tossed a chocolate milk bottle under an MBTA bus and triggered a response from a police bomb squad.
Amar Ibrahim pleaded not guilty Friday at his arraignment in West Roxbury District Court to charges of interfering with public transportation, disorderly conduct, and a civil violation of littering. He was released without bail and is scheduled to return to court Oct. 18. 
His lawyer, Charles Pappas, said afterward that authorities, the bus driver, and passengers overreacted to Ibrahim, who was not on board the bus at the Brigham Circle stop, but was wearing a thobe, a common article of clothing for men in parts of the Middle East, and a head covering. 
Pappas said Ibrahim’s appearance, coupled with a more cautious city after the Boston Marathon bombings, could have made people “jump to the conclusion that this could be a terrorist.” 
According to an affidavit in the case filed by Transit Police, officers received a report of a “Middle Eastern male” throwing a bag underneath the bus and running away. 
Ibrahim Hooper — a spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a Washington-D.C.-based advocacy group — said he thought Ibrahim’s attire played a role in the initial suspicion. 
“Obviously, I understand the sensitivities based on the tragic events of the Boston Marathon bombing,” Hooper said. “I think you could obviously make the case that it would have been a different reaction, had he not been dressed in quote, ‘Middle Eastern garb.’ ”....
Read the full story HERE.

So because it WASN'T A BOMB...he was picked on....Am I missing something?

So folks if you're sitting on a bus and  someone in Muslim Gear throws something under a bus you're traveling on, DON'T OVER REACT...Wait and see if it explodes first....then react...hahahaha....

Yeah...Sign him up. He'll fit right in with the rest of the MISUNDERSTOOD at the Million Muslim March.

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1 comment:

BOSMAN said...

Now let me get this straight....because what this turd through under the bus wasn't a bomb, he's being picked on because of his Arab garb?

So folks if you're sitting on a bus and someone in Muslim Gear throws something under a bus you're traveling on, DON'T OVER REACT...Wait and see if it explodes first....then react...hahahaha....