Saturday, August 31, 2013

Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI) is against shutting down the Government over Obamacare

Wisconsin Republican Gov. Scott Walker, a conservative favorite and possible 2016 GOP presidential contender, came to South Carolina on Monday to help Gov. Nikki Haley kick off her re-election bid. His appearance — joined by fellow governors Bobby Jindal and Rick Perry — was mostly about Haley, but after his speech I asked him what he thought about the effort by some Republican lawmakers to defund Obamacare. 
“I think in the end, the only caution I put up is, I don’t think you should shut down the government for it,” Walker told me. “I think people, at least in my state, Republicans like me want less government, want limited government, but we want government that works, and I don’t think shutting things down makes anything work.”
Read the rest HERE.

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RomneyMan said...

Reps in mouth only- i.e, the 8 month man, will prob protest.

Never mind, armo for the 8 month man, more concerned with pandering to the potential GOP primary voters. lol, more will declare their non-pandering to the extreme elements of the party, and in about a year and a half, despite being still a senate rookie, despite spending all his time acting like waldorf and statler- offering no alternatives in terms of SUBSTATIAL policy, he'll said he had *no option* to run, to 'tame' the ones that are actually concerned about actually getting elected

Right Wingnut said...

So the same guy who engineered a shut-down in his own state (justifiably so) doesn't think the Republicans can win the argument against funding the biggest boondoggle to ever come out of Congress? Scratching the coward from my 2016 list.

Anonymous said...

Scott Walker was never really on my list. :-) But, I would not cross him off for this.



Walker, Preibus, Ryan - there must be something in Wisconsin's water for that state to produce so many dyed-in-the-wool RINO's.