Today, as the law lurches into full implementation, we learn that the administration has imposed another delay in a key provision of the law, this time to help the profits of those same insurance companies he once attacked.
The inside joke in Washington back in 2010 was that while Obama was sharpening the tines on his pitchfork for his populist push to get to final passage of the bill, much of the legislation had been crafted in consultation with industry lobbyists. Obama co-opted many in the industry of the industry with promises of protection and predictable profits, just as he did with the biggest drug companies.
But as he campaigned ahead of the law, Obama went on the attack, looking to not only keep his industry partners in line but scare off any Democrats getting queasy about the big costs and disruptions associated with the beleaguered bill.
One of the key selling points in Obama’s populist push was that the bill would set annual caps on out-of-pocket expenses demanded by insurers. Starting in 2014, the law sets the limit at $6,350 for individual policies and $12,700 for family plans.
But through a regulatory re-write slipped into the rule book in February, but first publicized in today’s New York Times, the administration has given big insurance companies a one-year delay on the caps.Read the rest HERE and view a related video below:
Another words folks..for 1 YEAR, INSURANCE Companies can charge you what ever the hell they want for out-of-pocket expenses that their polices won't pick up the tab on. Their computer glitch....YOUR MONEY!
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So let be get this straight... because there is a problem putting a cap on out-of-pocket expenses that insurance companies can bill their costumers, rather than postpone the program, Team obama is going ahead anyway and not imposing any cap in 2014....So SCREW YOU the consumer until they get it fixed in 2015...nice huh?
Well, it would be nice of one got sick under the alternative GOP though, wouldn't it? Oh, apologies, they haven't got a smidgeon of one, haven't they?
Oh, apologies again, there's always the action packed, policy full *bill* of 'repeal and replace'
I've got a bud that I call GOP- moans and moans, but got naff all as an alternative.
The powers for healthcare aren't actually with the federal gov't; they are held by the states, RM. Whatever needs to be done is supposed to mostly be done by them. That's in the US Constitution, just in case you were wondering.
P.S. Bos, I need to respectively point out that the paragraph that says, "Another words" should read "In other words..."
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