Friday, August 9, 2013

Do you think the States are Ready to Implement Obamacare?

Hey...this is Team Obama.....The recruiting and training of health insurance workers is "Barely Off the Ground" in many states:
With time running short before enrollment kicks off Oct. 1, the Obama administration last week cut back on training requirements for these "navigators." 
Grants to hire and train the workers aren't expected to be released for another two weeks for the 34 states where the federal government is running all or part of the marketplaces, which will offer insurance to those who don't get it on the job or from Medicare or Medicaid. That leaves just 32 business days to hire and train thousands of helpers in these states.
"It's definitely a tight timeline, and there's a lot to do before Oct. 1," said Jen Bersdale, executive director of Missouri Healthcare for All, a nonprofit advocacy group helping coordinate outreach activities in the state. "I imagine some people will be working overtime to do it." 
Sixteen states are fully running their own marketplaces and already have funding—much of it from the federal government. Many of these states have already set up their training for navigators. Maryland plans to start training this month for some 5,000 insurance brokers, navigators and other helpers for the state's marketplace. Vermont began training its navigators in early July.
But for the other 34 states, the Department of Health and Human Services released final rules on the navigators program only in mid-July. The Obama administration is still reviewing applications for $54 million available in grants to fund the navigators. Those awards are expected to be announced Aug. 15. 
Once the money has been released, the navigators and others who will assist people with applications will be required to undergo training and pass a certification test. Federal training materials and tests still aren't complete, although an administration official said they would be available in August.
Read the full story HERE.

I feel a TOTAL DISASTER brewing.....can you spell "CHAOS"?

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