Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Defunding Obamacare a Big Test for Jim DeMint and the Heritage Foundation

South Carolina Republican Sen. Jim DeMint unexpectedly quit Congress this winter, saying essentially that he could better advance the conservative cause as president of the Heritage Foundation think tank than in Congress. 
Roughly eight months later, DeMint has no doubt pressed Congress, and House Republicans in particular, to take a conservative stance on such issues as the Farm Bill and President Obama’s health care law.
Heritage and DeMint won at least a partial victory on the recent Farm Bill vote, getting the House to split funding for food stamps from the rest of the bill but saying more reform is needed on the billions being spent on crop subsidies and other programs. And votes of sequestration, the debt limit and immigration are also on the near horizon. 
But DeMint’s biggest challenges to date appears to lie in the weeks ahead when Congress returns in two weeks to vote on a temporary spending bill, which DeMint hopes will not include money for ObamaCare.
“It’s an uphill battle unless the people in the country speak up,” DeMint acknowledged to Fox News on Friday, at about the midway point of Heritage Action for American’s nine-city Defund ObamaCare Town Hall Tour. 
DeMint, a tour speaker, acknowledges that trying to put the onus on Obama has peril but thinks Americans are behind him, based on polls. 
“There’s a risk in any kind of showdown with the president,” he told Fox. “But when do Americans not fight for what’s right because they are afraid they might lose?”..(Emphasis mine)
Read the full story HERE and view a related video below:

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1 comment:


DeMint, as usual, is 100% correct - IF YOU FUND IT, YOU'RE FOR IT.

If you fund your child's drug or alcohol abuse, YOU'RE FOR IT, no matter how much you insist you're against it.

If you fund your spouse's gambling addiction, YOU'RE FOR IT, no matter how much you insist you're against it.

If you fund your business partner's get rich quick scheme, YOU'RE FOR IT, no matter how much you insist you're against it.

If you fund a corrupt politician or political party, YOU'RE FOR IT, no matter how much you insist you're against it.

If you fund ObamaCare, YOU'RE FOR IT, no matter how much you insist you're against it.

IF YOU FUND IT, YOU'RE FOR IT. Money talks, bullshit walks.