After explaining the House version of the Immigration Bill is a group of seperate Bill, Schoch explained this:
Schock’s outline of the preliminary plan matches what other member of GOP leadership have said. When he got to the third part of the plan, a DREAM Act which is currently being drafted by House Majority Leader Eric Cantor and will eventually be introduced as the KIDS Act, Schock promised there would be a vote on the DREAM Act in the House and promised it would pass with bipartisan support.
“Then you’re going to have a third bill which is going to deal with your DREAM Act kids, those who were brought here illegally by their parents,” Schock said. “I think, again, you’re going to get a bipartisan vote on a House version of the DREAM Act.”
For any immigration bill to be brought to the floor for a vote in the House, Speaker John Boehner has mandated that it must have the support of the majority of House Republicans--known as abiding by the “Hastert Rule,” meaning no bill will come to the floor for a vote without the support of the majority of the majority. For Schock to not only promise it would pass, but that there would even be a vote on the bill, says that, he--a member of the House GOP leadership’s whip team--knows or believes that a majority of House Republicans support the DREAM Act.Read the Full Story HERE and view Schock's comments below:
1. You know and I know that if THE KIDS are AUTOMATIC, THE PARENTS STAY as well. They're not going to send the parents back while the kids stay
2. If the Border Security Bill passes first, that mean diddly-squat unless The border is SECURE BEFORE any other part of these Bills kick in.
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I didn't notice any "promises" from Schock, just speculation about what he "thinks" might happen in the House.
Sounds more like WISHFUL thinking to me.
Senator Ted Cruz has stated unequivocally that "the House will NOT pass a path to citizenship for illegal aliens, and President Obama knows it."
We'll see who's right, Cruz or Schock. I put my money on Cruz.
I hope Schloch is wrong about this because You know and I know that if THE KIDS are AUTOMATIC, THE PARENTS STAY as well. They're not going to send the parents back while the kids stay.
And BTW, if the House had the votes for the bill that Schock THINKS they have, they would have ALREADY voted on it, rather than risk losing support by delaying the vote.
"The Kids' Act" is a gross misnomer, because the bill is NOT just for kids.
It's for ANY illegal alien who SAYS that he/she came to this country as a child, with little or no proof of that required.
Any Republican who votes for this piece of shit bill should be hung for treason(after indictment, trial and conviction, of course).
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