Monday, July 22, 2013

Will the IRS Road lead to Obama?

H/T Joel2013
It took a mere two months and eight days for the Obama administration’s spin on the growing scandal of the IRS targeting Tea Party and conservative groups to completely collapse. 
Let’s rewind to May 10, 2013, when Lois Lerner, the former Director of the IRS Exempt Organizations Division, apologized on behalf of the agency for the targeting scheme that placed additional scrutiny on those tax exemption applications. When she did, she made several key claims.
According to Lerner’s account, “line people” in Cincinnati decided on their own to target Tea Party groups and to send them inappropriate and intrusive questions. When senior IRS officials found out, they imposed rationality on the process and stopped the abuses. 
This week, on July 18, the IRS’s own employees demonstrated that this story was utterly, completely false.
For the first time, congressional investigators heard not just from one of those very “line people” blamed for the scandal but also from a senior IRS attorney in Washington who was directly involved in the process at the very highest levels. 
And, for the first time, congressional investigators heard candor and truth. 
Did the IRS scandal originate with “line people”? No. In fact, Elizabeth Hofacre, the Ohio agent charged with processing Tea Party applications, was so frustrated with IRS actions that she asked for – and received – a transfer from her original position to escape from IRS dictates that came from Washington, D.C.
Read the rest of this piece by Att Jay Sekulow HERE and view the testimony from Mr. Cater Hull:

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Anonymous said...

I didn't know Stephanie Cutter was at the WH meetings. That truly is interesting and damning, but not surprising. Her job was to make sure they stole the election.

Shame on us for being so clueless to think that we could actually have a fair election.


BOSMAN said...

There is no doubt in my mind that not only does the IRS Scandal lead to Obama, but that 'HE' was in on the planning of it.

It was part of the ALL OUT campaign to DO EVERYTHING POSSIBLE to make sure he had his second term and the media all went along with it.

Anonymous said...

Bosman, agree. To believe otherwise is to ignore the obvious.


Anonymous said...

Oh Gee, who could have guessed this:


Anonymous said...

Obama and his minions cheated. This has been clear to me since the beginning of this scandal.... Using the power off the federal govt to win elections is inexcusable and ought to be a criminal offence. That's why I despise him utterly.


Anonymous said...

AZ. Me too! This is outrageous.



I am very glad to see that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are SPEAKING OUT SO STRONGLY about this issue.
