Detroit's City Council has come under fire for spending time this week writing, voting and passing a resolution supporting a federal investigation into George
Zimmerman instead of focusing on its own financial blunders and ballooning crime rate. Zimmerman, a Florida neighborhood watch volunteer, was acquitted July 13 in the shooting death of teenager Trayvon Martin.
The unanimous vote by the members of the Detroit council on a crime that took place six states and hundreds of miles away came just two days after the Motor City’s latest gun-related death – its 176th homicide of the year.
Tuesday’s resolution called for a federal investigation to see whether civil rights charges are warranted against Zimmerman.
The measure, sponsored by Councilwoman JoAnn Watson, jump-started a discussion in Detroit over what some called the city’s lack of leadership and the need for city officials to first patch up problems in their own backyard.
According to city crime statistics, there have been 176 homicides in the first seven months of 2013. There have been 5,853 aggravated assaults and the city has processed 1,766 guns. Those numbers are actually an improvement from 2012 which saw a total of 411 homicides, up from 377 in 2011. Last year came in as the second deadliest year per capita in Detroit’s history behind 1987.Read the full story HERE.
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There is NO HOPE for this country with the current JACKASSES in the State Run Media that empower dishonest, dysfunctional and corrupt public officials in Detroit and so many other places throughout the land.
These public trough pushers have no clue how to run a city other than into the ground. Look at their priorities. Worrying about other peoples business rather than CLEANING UP THEIR OWN ACT.
I find it comical that a city that has just filed bankruptcy is more concerned about the outcome of a state trial in Florida than their own financial stability. The City Council doesn't care about it's own people or they would be more concerned with their reputation as one of the most dangerous cities in the world. Why aren't they worried about the civil rights of the hundreds of people killed in Detroit each year instead of the one punk that got killed because of his own stupidity.
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