House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) hopes gay marriage will be legal nationwide in five years.
"I would certainly hope so," Pelosi said ,when asked on NBC's "Meet the Press" if she believes that could happen in five years . "Let's hope it’s even sooner than that."
The Democratic leader said she is "optimistic that the momentum is with ending discrimination.” Pelosi called the speed with which public perception is changing in favor of gay marriage "encouraging."
Her comments come days after the Supreme Court struck down the federal Defense of Marriage Act, giving same-sex couples federal benefits previously barred to them.Read the rest HERE.
There she goes again, spreading her Catholic values around. But wait..That's not what the Catholic church preaches..quite the opposite.
I'll bet she has a plan..She'll throw a few extra bucks in the collection box on Sunday and say a few prayers and all will be well again..........IN HER MIND.
I have a wish to Nancy...and that's the next time you see a Priest for Confession, he tells you to come back when you mean it.
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I have a wish to Nancy...and that's the next time you see a Priest for Confession, he tells you to come back when you mean it.
THEN...She's hit by a MAC Truck driven by an drunk illegal Immigrant Muslim with a California driver's who entered this country through the Mexican border...ahhh..BUT WAIT...She's not killed but in need of several skin graphs..UNFORTUNATELY, the doctors inform her that she has no skin left to donate...Being a good Christian, I step forward and offer MY ASS to save her life.
To be perfectly honest, I wouldn't shed a single tear if the entire Washington establishment - the corrupt politicians, the fraudulent news media, the pay-to-play lobbyists and not-so-special interests they represent, the whole rotten bunch - got run over by a Mack truck. Quite the contrary, I'd probably party like it's 1999.
ya things were good back in '99 when the worst thing to happen in America was a blowjob, good thing we squashed those liberal commies a fixed the election to ensure a prosperous new millennium!
SCREW DIXIE CHICKS (though i guess their name says it all)
I wish someone out there would respect my view of Traditional marriage. Are we the new minority, because we believe that marriage is between a man and woman?
@ Anonymous 8:33 PM
Apparently you missed the fact that your beloved President Clinton repeatedly lied under oath and obstructed justice while testifying as the defendant in Paula Jones' sexual harassment lawsuit.
Apparently you missed the fact that Clinton was impeached, disbarred and held in contempt of court for his criminal coverup.
Apparently you missed the fact that Clinton paid Ms. Jones $850,000 in hush money to drop her lawsuit.
I could go on and on and on listing Clinton's other high crimes and misdemeanors, but why bother for a fool like you.
Stupid is forever.
@ Anonymous 1:57 AM
37 states have laws on the books that say marriage is between one man and one woman, and ONLY between one man and one woman.
30-plus state referendums have come down on the side of traditional marriage - most by overwhelming margins.
I think your real beef is with the State Run Media that constantly bashes and trashes traditionalists like you and me, not with the American people.
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