President Barack Obama’s half-brother, Malik Obama, had a close relationship with Libyan dictator Muammar Gadhafi that continued from the 1980s until the dictator’s death.
A photograph obtained by the Daily Caller shows Malik smiling with Gadhafi. Photos of Gadhafi from the time period appear to place the photo somewhere between 1987-1990, around the same time as the 1986 Berlin discotheque bombing and the Lockerbie bombing in 1988, for both of which Libya was responsible.
Obama was a vocal supporter of the Libyan dictator and once interceded with his brother on Gadhafi’s behalf during the Libyan civil war, according to an interview with the Daily Mail’s Angella Johnson.
The fondness continued after Gadhafi’s death. Obama dedicated his co-written book, ”Barack Obama Sr. The Rise and Life of a True African Scholar” to Gadhafi, General Mahamat Nour of Chad, and King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia.
A previous photograph released by the Mail depicted Malik Obama and Gadhafi well past middle age, but the latest photograph appears to show a younger Malik Obama and raises new questions about the relationship of the president’s half-brother with the state sponsor of terrorism. Obama, according to the Mail, met with Gadhafi “half a dozen times.” Th
e relationship with Gadhafi also raises questions about how Malik Obama was permitted to work and travel within the United States, including working for companies that had government contracts.
Malik Obama was the best man at Barack Obama’s wedding in 1992, but he was not the only member of the wedding party who had met with Gadhafi. Jeremiah Wright, spiritual adviser to Barack Obama and officiant at the Obamas’ wedding, visited Tripoli in 1984 with Louis Farrakhan.Read the rest of the story HERE.
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Do you think The President and his half-brother have a lot in common?
None of this surprises me. I wish his voters--all of whom I classify as either evil or stupid--would accept the reality of who this man is and not who they want him to be....
AZ -
I know many hardworking, kindhearted, intelligent people who voted for Obama simply because they get their political news and information from the State Run Media(CBSNBCABCCNNFOX).
They don't have a lot of free time on their hands to scour the internet for REAL news, so they rely upon State Run Media "newscasts" instead.
And who can really blame them, since Republican candidates and officeholders NEVER challenge the honesty, accuracy and legitimacy of the State Run Media.
Did GOP standard-bearers Romney, McCain, Bush 43, Dole, Bush 41 and Reagan EVER call out the State Run Media for its propaganda, censorship and lies? If they did, I must have blinked and missed it.
If virtually EVERY Republican politician seems to trust the State Run Media, why shouldn't the average joe or jane trust it as well?
It always surprises me, that people of color, of which I am one, would even embrace Islam, since it has an incredibly long history of racism toward black people to this very day. Here are some astounding quotes from top Islamic scholars.
The Muslim Arab and Persian literature which depicts blacks as "stupid, untruthful, vicious, sexually unbridled, ugly and distorted, excessively merry and easily affected by music and drink."
Nasir al-Din Tusi, the famous Muslim scholar said of blacks: "The ape is more capable of being trained than the Negro."
Ibn Khaldun, an early Muslim thinker, writes that blacks are "only humans who are closer to dumb animals than to rational beings." He also insisted that "the only people who accept slavery are the Negroes, owing to their low degree of humanity and proximity to the animal stage." (In truth, over 500,000 Africans in Basra overthrew their Arab-Islamic masters in the largest slave uprising in history in what is known as the Zanj Rebellion).
Classical Islamic law allows a light-skinned Muslim man to marry a black woman, but a black Muslim man is restricted from marrying a light-skinned woman. As the literature of the time put it, "only a whore prefers blacks; the good woman will welcome death rather than being touched by a black man."
Another hadith quotes Muhammad: "Do not bring black into your pedigree."
The famous Muslim historian, al-Mas'udi describes the African slaves as, "Kinky hair, thin eyebrows, broad noses, thick lips, sharp teeth, malodorous skin, dark pupils, clefty hands and feet, elongated penises and excessive merriment." He goes on to add that the "the dark complexion person (al-aswad) is overwhelmed by merriment due to the imperfection (fasad) of his brain; therefore, his intellect is weak."
AZ -
My point is this: blaming "evil and stupid voters" for our political defeats will get us absolutely NOWHERE.
Blaming and REFORMING the fraudulent, corrupt, unconstitutional State Run Media will get us EVERYWHERE, especially if Republican politicians are leading the charge.
Republicans need all hands on deck if we ever hope to right this country's ship of state, and that starts first and foremost with REFORMING the State Run Media.
Truer words were never spoken.
I knew somebody wouldn't like my comment, but I'm fed up with Obama. I left plenty of people an opening in my assessment--they don't have to be evil, they can be "stupid." I know plenty of good people who are stupid, too. In 2008 I could understand the voters being deceived. 2012, it was greed (evil) or stupidity, plain and simple.
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