Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The DOJ forces School District to let Girl use Boys Restroom, Showers, and sleeping Quarters

The Obama administration’s Justice Department has pressured a California school district into allowing an incoming high school freshman who is anatomically female but identifies as a boy to use the restroom and changing facilities assigned to her preferred sex, rather than her biological sex. 
Her family filed a federal discrimination lawsuit after the school district twice refused to allow the girl to sleep in a room with boys without a chaperone.
The Obama administration pressured the school district to allow the girl to use the boys' facilities, saying in a letter that failure to do so constitutes sexual discrimination against “students who do not conform to sex stereotypes.”
Under a new agreement, every transgender student in the district will have full access to the opposite sex's changing rooms and sleeping quarters during school trips.
On Wednesday, after two years of investigation by the DOJ, the school district agreed to a settlement in which they admitted no wrongdoing, but agreed to submit to the demands of the girl’s family, along with several additional DOJ orders,. 
Now, not only must Arcadia school officials give the girl unrestricted access to the boys’ facilities, they must also give her access to private facilities if and when she requests them.   
The district must also allow her to participate in any boys-only activities she desires, both on- and off-campus, and seal all records of her birth sex and previous name to protect her new identity as a boy. 
These orders apply not just to the girl in this case, but to any students who approach school administrators in the future claiming to be a different sex than their biology suggests. 
The district and its administrators will be subject to continued monitoring by the DOJ and Department of Education through 2016 to ensure they comply.
Read the rest of the story HERE

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Ohio JOE said...

What the heck is happening?

BOSMAN said...

Same Showers, Same Sleeping quarters....UNCHAPERONED.
And they don't expect any libidos to kick in while all this is going on......or maybe they do?

Unknown said...

I'm sorry but ... You're a girl! Deal with it!!!!!!!!

Over The Hill said...

I can only imagine how this affect healthy young males.

I'm getting horney just thinking about it.

Anonymous said...

Bosman, yeah . . . they don't care if libidos kick in and yes they probably do want them to. After all, we now hand out condoms like candy and help girls obtain birth control patches and abortions, etc. Kids having sex is NO BIG DEAL, fuddy-duddies.

This is sad for everyone involved. I have sympathy for people born with gender problems, I really do. But we don't have to turn society inside out to accommodate them. They need to figure out how to live in the world as best they can under the circumstances.


Anonymous said...

ROFLMAO Well, she may Identify as a Boy now, but after this goes on for awhile, she'll be ALL Girl

Dave said...

The solution to this problem is simple: the restrooms must be marked "Vaginal" and "Penile." What you HAVE determines where you GO. In this manner, no one is discriminated against because of how they FEEL.