Tuesday, July 30, 2013

President Obama realizes most don't like Obamacare...He's hoping it will GROW ON YOU...

....Maybe like the mange?
Even President Obama has now given up on trying to make Americans like his health care policy. In an interview with The New York Times, President Obama said that he can’t turn around public opinion on Obamacare through a PR push, but instead people will begin to appreciate the law once it goes into affect. 
Even though polls show that the majority of people do not like the Obamacare law, the president still seems to believe that once they are forced to purchase health insurance, or pay a penalty, everyone will start to love it. But it seems like that is not really going to be the case.
Once again, the President likes to blame everyone else for the lack of success he has seen when it comes to Obamacare. 
"But until then, when we’re getting outspent four to one and people are just uncertain about what all this means for them, we’re going to continue to have some polls like that," Obama said. "And me just making more speeches explaining it in and of itself won’t do it. The test of this is going to be is it working. And if it works, it will be pretty darn popular.”
Read the rest HERE.

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BOSMAN said...

Yeah folks Obama knows best. The hell with what you and the experts feel...

Obamacare will GROW ON YOU once it's in full gear....HE JUST DOESN'T GET IT. ..THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE and not just what HE WANTS.

Ohio JOE said...

You goota be kidding!


To add insult to injury, Obama is ILLEGALLY spending millions - perhaps tens of millions - of taxpayer dollars to promote Obamacare in a series of television and radio ads.

He gets away with it because Speaker of the House John Boehner LETS him get away with it, instead of properly exercising his government oversight responsibility.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: BOEHNER MUST GO! THE SOONER THE BETTER.