Is anyone surprised?
Congratulations, Marco Rubio! If this passes, you will have ensured a permanent political majority for the Democrat Party for generations to come.
A poll released Monday by Pew Research Center shows that Latino illegal immigrants, given the opportunity to vote, would vote Democratic at an eight-to-one clip. 31 percent of illegal immigrants of Latino descent identify themselves as Democrats, compared to just 4 percent who identify as Republicans.....More here
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Scary, admittedly.
No surprise with the exception of those on our side who are foolish enough to support the immigration reform bill.
Even worse, when illegal aliens are legalized, they self-identify as Democrats by an even BIGGER margin.
"Republicans polled slightly better among illegal immigrants than among the legal ones." ~ NEWSMAX article(6th paragraph)
AMERICAN-BORN Hispanics are apparently the ONLY Hispanics who aren't knee-jerk supporters of the Democratic Party.
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