Saturday, July 20, 2013

Op-ed: Obama and Holder...brothers in racism...brothers in hate

Obama and Holder...brothers in racism...brothers in hate
By: Diane Sori

AG Eric Holder and the infamous DOJ are mulling over whether to file civil rights charges against George Zimmerman for his killing of Trayyon Martin in self-defense.  Mulling it over and spending our taxpayer dollars on a useless fishing expedition in hopes of finding anything NO matter how insignificant just so he can charge Zimmerman with a fabricated 'hate crime,' all while completely ignoring the fact that the FBI thoroughly investigated the incident and concluded that NO racial bias or animosity was involved...NO racial profiling...NO targeting based on race...NO nothing.

And he's doing this because, I believe, Eric Holder hates white in an in-your-face hatred of the white race simply because he still holds us accountable for slavery...for slavery that was over and done with here in America over a century and a half ago before anyone alive today was born. 

Eric Holder is fixated on this one chapter in our great nations history that happened so long ago...forgetting the simple fact that slavery for the most part was perpetrated by blacks on blacks.  Holder refuses to accept the fact that even after the European slave traders began shipping black slaves to America, most slave traders dealt in just NOT in the barbaric corralling of people (made famous in Roots), because for the most part the European slave traders did NOT need to use any force to get their slaves. The slaves were 'sold' by their black owners and black tribal leaders (black on black slavery was an integral but grossly unreported on part of African history for centuries).  In fact, estimates show that about 12,000,000 Africans were sold by African blacks to European slave traders.

So Eric Holder needs to place the guilt for the start of slavery where it truly belongs...on his own ancestors NOT on the whites he so loves to hate.  And in NO way am I excusing what happened here in America while slavery was in's just that he cannot keep holding today's white Americans responsible for what happened to his ancestors so many years ago...and he cannot be allowed to take that hatred out on a man found NOT guilty by a jury of his peers, done in an adjudication as per our laws.

And while Eric Holder continues to spew his race-baiting hatred, yesterday Barack HUSSEIN Obama called on Americans to respect the verdict handed down in the Zimmerman trial...and he should have left it at that..but NO...he had to start comparing himself to Trayvon Martin.

Trying to deflect attention off  his infamous comment that laid the ground work for all the racism involved in the Zimmerman case when he said, "If I had a son he'd look like Trayon," yesterday Obama said, "Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago".  So, is Obama admitting he was a thug 35 years ago, just like Trayvon Martin was when he was killed...just wondering...

Seriously though, his next comment just adds more fuel to the racial fire.

"There are very few African-American men who haven't had the experience of being followed in a department store — that includes me," Obama said.  Oh what Obama is saying is that the vast majority of young black men in this country have been racially profiled, targeted, and followed simply because they are black.  And to that I say bull, because if that was the case there would have been a lot more George Zimmerman type incidents going way back, and that is just NOT the case.

Continuing on and saying that African Americans view the Zimmerman case through "a set of experiences and a history that doesn't go away," Barack HUSSEIN Obama just threw a log on the fire of racism for he was eluding to the very hatred that Eric Holder feeds on.

This miserable excuse of a president deliberately brought the Zimmerman case full circle back to racism NOT because racism was ever involved in this case but because racism is the cause de-jour for the 'small but very vocal militant black minority' even though the FBI said the case was NOT about racism...the trial judge said the case was NOT about racism...the jury said the case was NOT about racism...even the prosecutors said the case was NOT about racism...but the likes of Barack HUSSEIN Obama and Eric Holder, along with their outwardly racist buddies Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, like to make every case, every perceived wrong, every word spoken about NOTHING but racism.

And when Obama said that he and his White House staff were “bouncing around ideas” about racial profiling and were calling for a review of Florida’s 'Stand Your Ground' laws, a light bulb should have gone off in every patriotic Americans mind.  A light bulb moment when reality set in that Barack HUSSEIN Obama is NOT only butting into what should have been a local city's issue but butting into a state's rights.  Ignoring our Constitutional defined balance of power, Obama has now just told the American people that if a particular state's laws do NOT meet with his agenda he will overstep his presidential bounds and work towards getting said law repealed.

And that my friends is a very scary thought indeed along with being a willful misuse of power.  But NOT to worry...his good buddy Eric Holder will find, in a hastily arranged independent investigation done to sooth the masses psyche, that NO misuse of power was done. After all they will cover each others backs against their self-perceived racist white population that profiles, targets, and follows all young black men...for hate and instigation is their racist calling card...expiration date at this time unknown.

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