A no punches held solution to immigration reform
By: Diane Sori
Zimmerman case is over (hear that Holder...over)...we
don't give a rat's behind that overpaid, untalented black rappers and
singers don't come to Florida ('Stand Your Ground' stays) we welcome
that...and the royal baby has
been introduced to the world...so now it's time to get back to the
business of
First, Benghazi must NOT and will NOT be forgotten by 'We
the People'. We'll continue to sit here
and wait for answers to questions, and rest assured we will NOT let up until we
get those answers and someone (can you say Barack HUSSEIN 'Stand Down' Obama
and Hillary 'What does it matter' Clinton) is held responsible...held
responsible and pays dearly for willfully and with malice leaving behind four Americans
to be murdered by muslim terrorists (yeah I said it...muslim terrorists), and
then tries to cover it up with the biggest cock-and-bull story about a ridiculous
amateur YouTube video...and that in and of itself should be grounds for removal from
office based on shear idiocy alone.
Second, while the IRS scandal, the NSA spying scandal, the
AP and FOX scandal, the Snowden leaks, and all the other scandals continue to
plague...and rightly so...the Obama administration, we again sit and wait to see
if Congress will do right by 'We the People' and follow through with defunding
the monstrosity known as ObamaCare. But
I wouldn't hold my breath for that one, because yesterday they capitulated to
'the anointed one' and will fund the Syrian rebels. Guess they're just too scared of the race
card being used against them to realize that they have now joined Obama in 'aiding
and abetting the enemy' for these rebels are funded and supported by al-Qaeda...al-Qaeda...guess Obama doesn't remember
them...let me remind him..they murdered 3000 Americans on 9/11 as it seems his memory needs a bit of refreshing...
So, that leaves number three, the totally screwed-up disaster
known as 'Immigration Reform'. Immigration
Reform has divided the right into two camps...those who seek a workable pathway
to citizenship and those who say NO to any solution that even smells of the
word 'amnesty'.
But most are overlooking something that can actually bring
both sides on the right together, and it's called 'self-deportation'.
While those words have been thrown out and bantered around
before, 'self-deportation' could very well be a solution to the ILLEGAL problem
if done correctly. Differing from
'voluntary departure', which allows one to legally come back to the United States after a
certain period of time, because of the circumstances involved in how ILLEGALS
came here and raped our welfare and health care systems, 'voluntary deportation'
would be permanent, which sadly, is really something that's needed in this
Let me explain...being in this country ILLEGALLY is indeed a
crime, hence the word ILLEGAL (meaning against the law), but in reality there
is NO way we will be deporting 11 to 20 million people (depends on which
figures one goes by) NO matter how much we'd like to...it just isn't going to
happen and those supporting this idea need to get a grip on reality here...it
will NOT happen.
But there is a way to get them to deport themselves back to
their home countries. First, our borders
MUST be sealed...NO ifs, ands, or buts...sealed, locked down, NO entrance for
anyone unless they come here LEGALLY through all the proper channels.
Locked down and sealed BEFORE any discussions relating to reform of any sort begins.
And there is absolutely NO negotiation on this sealing and locking down of our borders...NONE. And do NOT say it can't be done...it can...Israel did it and so can we. In fact, I'm sure the Israelis would be happy to help 'We the American People' if we asked for help in doing so...and I'm NOT being sarcastic here because look who our president (gag) is and how he does NOT want our borders sealed.
Then immediately
after the borders are sealed and locked down ALL...and I mean ALL aid to those
here ILLEGALLY must be stopped (and the feds know exactly who they are and
where they are and don't let them try to fool you that they don't)... as in ALL
freebies and handouts...as in NO welfare, NO food stamps, NO housing vouchers,
NO school vouchers, NO free medical care, NO Obamaphones, NO charity of any
kind...NO anything.
And that also means NO jobs.
And here is where the 'self-deportation' comes in. Fact, NO person should be working here in our
country...taking jobs away from LEGAL Americans... without either having proof
of citizenship or a legal green card.
And I mean none NO matter they be blue collar or white collar jobs. ALL persons currently working would be
required to show proof of citizenship to their employers to verify their status (this might seem an
inconvenience but one that could actually give jobs back to Americans), and
those without legal papers or legal proof of status would be fired immediately.
if one loses ones job and then gets NO government aid whatsoever...
NO health care... NO food stamps...NO welfare...NO anything...they would
most likely be forced to leave our country because their free ride
would be over, and I believe they would do so voluntarily because they
would have NO other option if they wanted to survive...literally
after the ILLEGALS start voluntarily
leaving because the rules already on the books are strictly enforced in
full, then and only then should any discussion be started on revising or
updating existing immigration laws...if they even need revising or
updating at
Yes, I realize this seems harsh, but our country cannot keep supporting
criminals, and coming here ILLEGALLY makes one a criminal NO matter what the
bleeding heart liberals say. And more importantly, it's
way past time that America's leaders start putting LEGAL Americans BEFORE
all others....way, way past time.
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