Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Obama's War on American Jobs: Debate continues on the President's desire to ruin the Coal Industry

President Obama, in his weekly radio address, beseeched voters to get behind his climate change plan and punish politicians who don't. He may want to be careful what he asks for. Several of those lawmakers come from the president's own party. Coal-state Democrats have been as scathing as any Republican in reaction to the president's plan, unveiled Tuesday in a speech at Georgetown University. The pushback was almost immediate, and a glaring signal of the trouble Obama may encounter as he charges ahead with new restrictions on coal-fired power plants.
Along with WV Senator Joe Manchin, other Law Makers chime in:
North Dakota Democratic Sen. Heidi Heitkamp echoed the remarks, backing the overall intent of addressing climate change but accusing Obama of amplifying the "war on coal" with regulations that "choke off good-paying American jobs." She, too, said the government should encourage investments in technologies that cut emissions with clean-coal technology.
Advocates of the industry argue that it has made strides toward making coal more environmentally friendly. According to the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity (ACCCE), 10 clean-coal technology plants have launched since 2011. Another five are under development or scheduled to come online. But the industry claims to be struggling to both make those investments and meet the demands of federal regulations. Group President Robert M. "Mike" Duncan says EPA regulations have played a big role in the closure of nearly 290 coal plants so far this year.
Read the Whole story HERE and listen to the Fox News 'Bulls and Bears' below:

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