Monday, July 8, 2013

MUST SEE: Filmaker exposes Border Security issues you won't hear about anywhere else (Full Video 07-05-13)

In an hour-long special, Sean Hannity brought us a revealing, in-depth look at the myths, lies, and overall bias surrounding the debate over immigration reform. 
Sean talked one-on-one with Dennis Lynch, director of the blockbuster new film, "They Come to America II: The Cost of Amnesty," and gave us some exclusive glimpses of the documentary. 
Hannity pointed out that illegal immigrants have a 99 percent success rate at going across the Rio Grande, calling it "frightening when you see how easy it is." 
Lynch believes if Americans give a copy of his film to their U.S. House representative, it could have a real effect on the immigration debate. 
"Remember, the congressmen don't get to go down to the border," said Lynch.
Read the rest HERE and watch the full interview below:

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