I know, I shouldn't be so cynical...
Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) today agreed to be the lead sponsor of a Senate bill to ban abortion after an unborn child is 20 weeks old. A similar measure passed the House last month and a state version is now being debated in the Texas legislature, where it is likely to be approved.
With Rubio’s presence, the bill is certain to gain enormous media attention and thus more national visibility for the issue of limiting late term abortions. Right-to-life groups have urged Rubio to take the lead on the issue, believing he would be the strongest possible advocate in the Senate. Several sources confirmed he’d agreed.
The bill faces an uphill fight in the Democrat-controlled Senate and a veto threat by President Obama. But win or lose, Republicans and the leaders of the pro-life movement regard the 20-week ban as an especially favorable issue for their cause – and one that might strengthen GOP candidates in the 2014 midterm election.
This is reflected in poll numbers. A Gallup survey in January found that 64 percent of Americans think an abortion in the second three months of pregnancy should be illegal. As for the last three months, 80 percent feel an abortion that late should be banned. A Texas Tribune poll found even more sweeping opposition among Texans to late term abortions.Read the rest HERE.
Now I don't want to tell the Senator how to do his job, but....WHAT HE SHOULD HAVE DONE, was to sponsor this bill while the Immigration Bill was still in the Senate. He could have use that leverage to garner Democratic support and made it clear that if they want the Immigration bill, he needs the Anti-Abortion Bill.
But see, if he had done that, he wouldn't be able to use this bill now to offset the SHIT he and his friends sent to the House.
Oh well......This bill will go NO WHERE in the Senate while the Democrats are in control. YOU NO IT....HE KNOWS IT!
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Yeah, Isn't this making you love him again?
hahahaha...he is such an idiot.
A few months ago, my brother and sister in law were all set to back this clown in '16. I asked them about it yesterday. NOT ANY MORE! How many millions of conservatives across the country feel the same way?
"Try and forget that the Immigration Bill has my name all over it"
Indeed, and try to remember the de facto amnesty that everyone likes but are too gutless to offer anything with a remote chance of passing.
Some call him the 'amnesty man', then he's in the same bracket as countless other 'big names' and not in the same 'que' as the sitting on the fence 'de facto amnesty *men*'
Pure, unadulterated, shameless grandstanding by Rubio on the abortion issue.
Some Republican voters will fall for his dog and pony show, but the vast majority will not, judging by the chorus of boos and epithets whenever his name is mentioned at Tea Party rallies.
Not to mention the widespread condemnation of his amnesty push by conservative bloggers and their readers.
@ RomneyMan
We do NOT have "de facto amnesty" - we have temporary partial amnesty which Rubio & friends want to make permanent full amnesty.
Roneyman's been calling it de facto amnesty for quite some time. It isn't and it never was. hat we have is illegal immigration, no amount of political correctness changes this fact. As for Rubio, I was one of the first to post that by sponsoring this bill he was only trying to rebuild on his image. The good news is people see right through him now. He blew his opportunity.
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