Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Kristol and Lowry: 'Kill the bill'

Weekly Standard and National Review editors, Bill Kristol and Rich Lowry, delivered a scathing rebuke of Marco Rubio's amnesty bill this morning at National Review.
....The bill’s first fatal deficiency is that it doesn’t solve the illegal-immigration problem. The enforcement provisions are riddled with exceptions, loopholes, and waivers..... 
....Marco Rubio says he doesn’t want to have to come back ten years from now and deal with the same illegal-immigration problem. But that’s exactly what the CBO says will happen under his own bill. According to the CBO analysis of the bill, it will reduce illegal immigration by as little as a third or by half at most. By one estimate, this means there will be about 7.5 million illegal immigrants here in ten years. And this is under the implausible assumption that the Obama administration would administer the law as written..... 
....The bill’s changes in legal immigration are just as ill considered. Everyone professes to agree that our system should be tilted toward high-skilled immigration, but the Gang of Eight bill unleashes a flood of additional low-skilled immigration. The last thing low-skilled native and immigrant workers already here should have to deal with is wage-depressing competition from newly arriving workers..... 
....Finally, there is the sheer size of the bill and the hasty manner in which it was amended and passed. Conservatives have eloquently and convincingly made the case against bills like this during the Obama years. Such bills reflect a mistaken belief in central planning and in practice become a stew of deals, payoffs, waivers, and special-interest breaks. Why would House Republicans now sign off on this kind of lawmaking? If you think Obamacare and Dodd-Frank are going swimmingly, you’ll love the Gang of Eight bill. It’s the opposite of conservative reform, which simplifies and limits government, strengthens the rule of law, and empowers citizens.... 
....In any case, House Republicans should make sure not to allow a conference with the Senate bill. House Republicans can’t find any true common ground with that legislation. Passing any version of the Gang of Eight’s bill would be worse public policy than passing nothing. House Republicans can do the country a service by putting a stake through its heart.
Read it all here

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Anonymous said...

If the US refuses to exercise it's sovereignty, of which securing the border is a large part, there is no purpose in amnesty, which becomes an open invitation to millions more law breakers....


Anonymous said...

The bill, as it is, isn't going anywhere in the House thank heaven. Especially now that Obama has decided to not even enforce the employer mandate in Obamacare. This is a HUGE reason to kill the bill, and hope to regain the senate so that we can get sensible immigration reform.


Right Wingnut said...

Martha, problem is if it goes to conference, who knows what the bill will end up looking like. They could pass it in the House with a handful of Republicans. Boehner should not bring any bill up for a vote without majority support from his own caucus. But I don't trust him.

Anonymous said...

RW, I do trust him on this because he has specifically said that he will not bring it up for a vote without majority support. He can't really go back on that after making it clear.

And he is also considering what to do about Obama not enforcing the mandate, saying they might bring up a vote about delaying the individual mandate.

If they are smart, they will finally stand up to Obama's unwillingness to enforce the laws. This is a perfect opportunity to deflect attention away from immigration. But then, I'm not getting my hopes up too high!


RomneyMan said...

"scathing rebuke of Marco Rubio's amnesty bill"

I wonder if there is to be a 'scathing rebuke' of the de facto amnesty (silent) bill that currently exists, you know, the one everyone happily supports, playing armchair QB, but offers nothing realistic as an alternative.

Right Wingnut said...


Your Obama could have done something about it in 2009-2010, when the Democrats controlled both houses of congress, but they decided it could wait. If that's the case, it can wait until we have a Republican president, House and Senate.

Anonymous said...

The current state is lawlessness, which means currently our immigration laws get ignored. Our government ignores our immigration laws. Who thinks this one is different? I don't. Legalizing lawlessness is stupid.

Anonymous said...

Boehner and Rubio are intent to betray the Republican Party. There are no signs of Boehner being trustworthy. First hint? he favors that 24 lb monstrosity nobody read. That is suspicious enough to keep this topic out of his reach.

Anonymous said...

No bill can be suggested now because of potential for double cross, shyster tricks. It is known that the 24 lb bill doesn't benefit those it claims to help, it favors rich globalist interests complained about on both sides. Ill conceived, and poorly executed to put it mildly.

Anonymous said...

The U.S. Senate’s “Gang of Eight” immigration-reform plan, as well as a strikingly similar plan now being backed by Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., and a bi-partisan House “Gang,” both offer the “roadmap to citizenship” originally conceived and carefully developed by members of the Communist Party USA working within the Democratic Party and the radical left activist network for the purpose of using amnestied illegals to build a “permanent progressive majority.”
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/07/gop-immigration-plan-devised-by-communist-party/#t34g2Qe5Lut7Z1SI.99



"Once a bill has been passed by a conference committee, IT GOES DIRECTLY TO THE FLOOR OF BOTH HOUSES FOR A VOTE, and is not open to further amendment" ~ 2nd to last paragraph of Wikipedia article


In other words, Boehner could bring a GOOD border security bill to the House floor that gets majority support from Republican members, but it would then AUTOMATICALLY go to conference committee with the Senate to resolve differences between the two bills, and would then AUTOMATICALLY return to the floor of both houses for a vote, no matter how BAD the revised bill is.

Boehner can't stop the revised bill from returning to the House floor even if he wanted to.

So when Boehner says "I will not bring a bill to the floor without majority support of Republican members", he is only referring to the INITIAL House bill, NOT to the conference committee's revised bill, because the revised bill returns AUTOMATICALLY to the House floor for a vote WITH OR WITHOUT BOEHNER'S CONSENT!!!

At that point, all the House Dems need are a few RINOs to join them in voting "yea" on the amnesty bill in order to pass it.

Bottom line: in order to stop the amnesty bill dead in its tracks, THE HOUSE MUST NOT PASS ANY IMMIGRATION BILL WHATSOEVER, because once it goes to conference committee - WHICH IS LOADED WITH RINOs - all bets are off.

Anonymous said...

HERE IS ANOTHER REASON TO NOT TRUST BOEHNER. Any bill from the House can be used to merge with that rubio bill, and then passed without House Republicans voting at all. This is the shyster trick and "rubio fix" all are warning us against. Check out Boehner's "republican" bill? I BELIEVE most republicans pass on becoming a communist nation, thanks but no thanks.

"Boehner has enlisted former Republican VP candidate Ryan to promote the House plan. Ryan and the Republicans are working with some far-left House Democrats, including Rep. Luis Gutierrez, a former member of the Marxist-Leninist Puerto Rican Socialist Party, and Xavier Becerra, both members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus and both longtime amnesty activists."

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/07/gop-immigration-plan-devised-by-communist-party/#t34g2Qe5Lut7Z1SI.99

Anonymous said...

There can be NO immigration bill from the House. This is the ONLY way to avoid the "Trojan Horse" 24 lb rubio-shyster-bill trick.

Anonymous said...

Kudos to newark hawk. You are seriously correct, and precisely correct to LOUDLY warn all against passing ANY immigration bill whatsoever. Say no to the shysters trying to bury our Republic.

Anonymous said...

Both the House and Senate proposals emphasize the path to citizenship – the centerpiece of communist efforts – while making border security both vague and secondary.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/07/gop-immigration-plan-devised-by-communist-party/#t34g2Qe5Lut7Z1SI.99

Anonymous said...

But beware of Greeks bearing gifts. Suddenly they'll offer the secure border, but as Newark Hawk pointed out, they'll slice it off in committee and by then it is too late for Republicans to stop it. THE ONLY WAY TO WIN IS TO NOT PLAY THEIR DECEITFUL GAME.

The ONLY time for Republicans to block this "Trojan Horse" bill process it at the inception. The House must NOT pass anything on immigration. It will be used to betray the Republican Party.

Anonymous said...

From article: " ... bill passed out of the Senate is a comprehensive mistake. House Republicans should kill it without reservation."

Well said. And I agree with their unanimous opinion.

Anonymous said...

Another excellent quote:

"There is no case for the bill, and certainly no urgency to pass it."

Right Wingnut said...

Problem is Boehner, Ryan, and the rest of the House GOP leadership hacks want this. They will allow it to go to conference, and claim that they "tried" while the watered down version passes with a few blue state RINO votes.

Anonymous said...

"Problem"? Boehner and RINO's want it, not republicans of the House. But correct, RINO leadership (not hacks) CANNOT be trusted. They are phony & fraudulent, not to be trusted, and NOT Republicans.

THEY WILL TRY, but we must call our representatives to be sure the House Republicans are not suckers.

We CANNOT afford to resign yourself like a lemmings. DO NOT let the "Trojan Horse" senate bill in, Dead on Arrival for the Senate Bill, and then NO bill on that same topic from the House, because it could be used in a double cross.

Anonymous said...

We CANNOT afford to resign ourselves like lemmings to a "Trojan Horse" senate bill double cross. It is easy to call our representatives, and it matters that we call.

Right Wingnut said...

I'm probably safe with Bachmann, but I'll call her office tomorrow just in case.

RomneyMan said...

"rubio bill"

There is no 'Rubio bill'