WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange acknowledged Sunday that NSA leaker Edward Snowden appears to be "marooned in Russia," as Ecuador's president also said the international fugitive is indeed in Russia's hands.
"He doesn't have a passport. I don't know the Russian laws, I don't know if he can leave the airport, but I understand that he can't," Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa told The Associated Press. "At this moment he's under the care of the Russian authorities."
Despite Russia's repeated claims that Snowden is not technically in their territory, Correa said "this is the decision of Russian authorities."
Snowden is said to be in the transit zone of the Moscow airport. He has a standing request for asylum with Ecuador, and Correa said that if he arrives at an Ecuadorean embassy, the country will analyze that request.
But following reports that Ecuador had revoked refugee documents that potentially could have been used to get Snowden to South America, Correa confirmed that the Ecuadorean consul in London committed "a serious error" by initially issuing the letter of safe passage for Snowden. He said the consul would be punished, though he didn't specify how.
With Snowden carrying no documents from Ecuador and no U.S. passport, Assange, whose group is helping the former U.S. contractor evade extradition to the U.S., affirmed that Snowden has entered a state of limbo.
Assange blamed the United States for stripping Snowden of his U.S. passport, in turn curbing his ability to travel. Assange said on ABC's "This Week" that "for the moment" Snowden appears to be stuck in Russia.Read the rest HERE and view the Assange interview below:
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The difference between Bush and Obama can be summed up in one comment Bush made during an interview about NSA surveillance. He said,
"I know the spirit in which I did it."
THAT is the entire difference between the DECENT man, George Bush, and Obama, who seems to do EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING in the wrong spirit.
The spirit of America, is the spirit of freedom. George Bush knew this, and lived it in the decisions he made. They may not all have been the best decisions because no one is perfect. But he did them with the right heart.
I don't know what you would call Barack Obama's spirit, but it is NOT about freedom, and the best interest of America is not on his radar screen--and that is being generous.
While i have no problem with our country keep tabs on what other countries are doing - even allies - I have to ask "what was Obama looking for?" It is becoming very clear that he used information to keep several who opposed him, 'in line'. Again, what was Obama purpose, and exactly what was he looking for?
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