Thursday, July 11, 2013

Ed Snowden has come a long way since his 4th Amendment Whistle Blowing

But I'm sure they'll be those that will disregard the following article and continue to declare Snowden a hero.

They'll say, "this is all common knowledge". My response will be, SHOW ME LINKS to OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS that point out/list his accusations. THEN and ONLY THEN, would it be 'common knowledge'.

I hate to burst everyone's bubble..but in this interview with Spiegel and his accusations on our spying efforts, HE'S CROSSED THE LINE from 4th Amendment whistle blower to SOMETHING ELSE.

Read the following..and if you're a Snowden fan, 'weep'. The following has NOTHING to do with American's 4th Amendment Rights:
The German foreign intelligence service knew more about the activities of the NSA in Germany than previously known. "They're in bed together," Edward Snowden claims in an interview in SPIEGEL. The whistleblower also lodges fresh allegations against the British.
For weeks now, officials at intelligence services around the world have been in suspense as one leak after another from whistleblower Edward Snowden has been published. Be it America's National Security Agency, Britain's GCHQ or systems like Prism or Tempora, he has been leaking scandalous information about international spying agencies. In an interview published by SPIEGEL in its latest issue, Snowden provides additional details, describing the closeness between the US and German intelligence services as well as Britain's acquisitiveness when it comes to collecting data. 
In Germany, reports of the United States' vast espionage activities have surprised and upset many, including politicians. But Snowden isn't buying the innocence of leading German politicians and government figures, who say that they were entirely unaware of the spying programs. On the contrary, the NSA people are "in bed together with the Germans," the whistleblower told American cryptography expert Jacob Appelbaum and documentary filmmaker Laura Poitras in an interview conducted with the help of encrypted emails shortly before Snowden became a globally recognized name.
Snowden describes the intelligence services partnerships in detail. The NSA even has a special department for such cooperation, the Foreign Affairs Directorate, he says. He also exposes a noteworthy detail about how government decision-makers are protected by these programs. The partnerships are organized in a way so that authorities in other countries can "insulate their political leaders from the backlash" in the event it becomes public "how grievously they're violating global privacy," the former NSA employee says.
Read the rest of this article HERE.

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BOSMAN said...

I'd like some die-hard Snowden lover to point out to me what this latest of his revelations has to do with 'OUR' 4th Amendment Right to privacy and not just our Foreign Policy? I don't want the NSA spying on US, I DON'T MIND if they're spying on Foreigners or other nations...Do You?

Romneyman said...

Always odd when someone that commits a crime is deemed a 'hero'.

Anonymous said...

What is heroic about our government being in bed with Germany? I don't want German leaders to have access to private Americans, our companies, etc. It is a good thing to KNOW this is how disloyal our government is TO US. You guys seem to have a screw loose.

Anonymous said...

Many among our American industries compete with companies that foreign governments are assisting. It is helpful to realize fully just how against US our own government is. Snowden did not say, gosh America is spying on Britain and Germany. He said our government is sync'd with their government. It is a pattern we see all the time. We are being sold out by our own government to our enemies.

Anonymous said...

For real? politicians are using the metadata to protect themselves from backlash. Sort of circumventing a freedom of the press there?

It is good to know about the Foreign Affairs Directorate. Are you two UK assets? What are you afraid of?

"As a general rule, so long as you have any choice at all, you should never route through or peer with the UK under any circumstances." ~Snowden Hmmm, this seems like a generous tip, very good to know and realize how cozy Obama really is with the Queen. I always thought so.

I personally like it whenever Snowden blows the lid off of Obama. "In most cases, content isn't as valuable as metadata," Snowden says." This tells me something about Obama's lies to us. He said, "We're not listening to your phone calls." Well, Snowden explains how it works TO US. He clued us in that the metadata is where the power lies.

Our government is TOO powerful, and they are respecting NO limits. This certainly is valuable information from Snowden. The more he exposes Obama and his nazi cronies, the merrier.

Let's stop playing around with Churchill's bust, shall we? Can you say, "Hello, NWO?"

Anonymous said...

Exactly what's jeopardized by Snowden? You still haven't explained our risk from his disclosures. Please explain. Seems like more tempest in a teapot. RomneyMan is never bothered by high crimes, but refers to them as 'scandals' and we shouldn't be bothering about them. Obama always violating our Constitution, but now RomneyMan is bothered by Snowden doing it? Very double standard.

Snowden is risking his life to help us know what is going on. Hastings is dead, as is Breitbart. Seems to me you're participating in a desire to suppress truth.

Ron Paul addressed the recent NSA spy grid scandal, which has linked several high tech giants, including Facebook, Microsoft and Skype, to a secret program in which the government agency was allowed access to those companies’ servers.

"Snowden's done a great service because he’s telling the truth and this is what we are starved for. The American people are starved for the truth.”

Several leading politicians label Snowden a “traitor” and his leak of government secrets “treasonous.” Trump wants him dead. According to Paul, these are the tell-tale signs of a dictatorial government: “And when you have a dictatorship or an authoritarian government, truth becomes treasonous.

And this is what dictators do to a whistleblower, or if you are trying to tell the American people that our country is destroying our rule of law and destroying our Constitution, they turn it around and say, ‘You’re committing treason…’”

Anonymous said...

Sounds like UK and Germany are given access to private information about you and me. And this is a violation of our safety. Snowden is telling us about it, he's the messenger. It is our GOVERNMENT who is betraying Americans.

Anonymous said...

Here is some crime for you.

But you just don't want people to know about it. You wave it off like it is nothing. You are seriously questionable, RomneyMan. Coming to a conservative chat urging us to celebrate Obama's 2nd inauguration. You are disturbed.

Remember Tony Rezko? Remember he was supposed to hand Obama up when he was finally sentenced? Not surprisingly Rezko has not been sentenced for his June 4, 2008, conviction of 16 federal crimes. That’s more than three years. Moreover, in last January his sentencing was postponed indefinitely.


Even if you accept the notion - which I don't - that Snowden has somehow endangered America's national security, that is far outweighed by his stunning revelation that our own federal government is spying indiscriminately on all of us.

Which begs the question: what other constitutional rights of Americans, aside from the right to privacy, are being trampled upon day and night by the feds? One can only imagine.

The Roman, British and Soviet empires collapsed from within, not by foreign conquest. The American Empire will suffer a similar fate if we aren't continuously vigilant about upholding and defending the Constitution.

Thank you Edward Snowden. Thank you very much. All patriotic Americans owe you a huge debt of gratitude for your honesty, your integrity and your courage.

RomneyMan said...

Don't ja just love it when cowards with unhealthy obsessions talk trash whilst they hide behind their 'anonymous' tag? lol

Anonymous said...

I pretty much agree with everything anonymous said.BUT there is the real worry that the us/uk now has to accept that a lot of unfriendlies know an awful lot about our capabilities. Given nsa/gchq have a combined workforce of 56000 aprox. That number of people couldn't sift through the trillions of data.
I totally accept that certainly British institutions have lost all moral authority & credence. The bbc is just blatantly dishonest. On a purely practical level there is no way 56000 people could make sense of so much data. Sounds more like a torchlight than searchlight. (Bit like a drone, great for pin point useless at wide area)
The whiste blowers are traitors thing is pervading the whole of Anglo American society. Even nurses or police officers who blow the whistle are being vilified