Thursday, July 18, 2013

Al Sharpton on the Zimmerman case: "Let’s not act like we got in the Florida case because of the merits.."

H/T Breitbart

Al Sharpton was on the Tom Joyner Show this morning telling all that if it hadn't been for him and the pressure put on Florida with demonstrations, there would not have been a Zimmerman case and that there will be a Civil Rights Trial:
REV. AL SHARPTON: "Let’s not act like we got in the Florida case because of the merits, we got there by rallying, by protesting and by raising the issue. 
TOM JOYNER: That’s true. That’s right." (emphasis mine)
That's right Al...This case HAD NO MERITS.

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BOSMAN said...

This DimWit actually admits the case had no merit, that it was the Demonstrations that forced Florida to bring suit against Zimmerman

Anonymous said...

Yes, Sharpton admitted that Florida's justice system was breached by mob violence, achieved by demonstrations AND firing a white police chief and replacing him with a black one.

The lack of mental faculties in those rioting would be something laughable, if it wasn't an epidemic disease in our country. I suspect the people are also on drugs, like Trayvon was; they are detached from reality and overly aggressive.

Foreign powers stirred up a civil war once in our nation to slaughter millions of us, and the stench of their desire still wafting through our nation in these 'demonstrations.' Seems to me these actions are being 'demonstrated' as a precursor or threat.

Anonymous said...

Obama's goebbel-PR disturbing: we now know Trayvon the thug, how he lost contact with reality via psychosis induced by abusing "Drank." And Trayvon phone texts show that Trayvon was experiencing increased numbers of violent episodes which is also a consequence of abusing “Drank.” Recent pictures of Trayvon show a sweet little fellow that was Trayvon already destroyed by crime and drugs, that in reality our little innocent no longer existed.

Yet we are without any calls for honoring Trayvon by a campaign warning others against the dangers going down that well-beaten, theft-financed path of crime so obviously evident in its facets, and in the destruction of little Trayvon. Zimmerman is a victim in the cycle of Trayvon’s break from reality, not the cause.

Anonymous said...

Trayvon was a victim all the way around. A victim of the terrible culture in which we are raising our children, especially black children. The things he did are commonplace amongst many black youth, unfortunately. I'm not saying he was innocent or that he didn't start the fight and threaten Zimmerman. It appears he did. But only that we reap what we sow. I'm sorry for his family, but sad that they are being used by people like Sharpton to stir up more racial wars so that he can line his pockets.

The people who are most responsible for this sham are Scott and Bondi, IMO. Their heads are the ones that should roll.



Rick Scott will finish his term as governor, but his chances of being re-elected are greatly diminished by his handling of the Zimmerman-Martin case.

Black voters won't reward Scott for acquiescing to their demands, and white voters will punish him.

As for Pam Bondi, I wouldn't be at all surprised if she shows up on the cover of Playboy magazine in her birthday suit AFTER she is unceremoniously thrown out of office by Florida voters in 2014.

I can dream, can't I?

Anonymous said...

Newark, Bondi never struck me as having too much going on upstairs. Do you remember when they did that sort of debate with Huckabee as the host, and she got to ask some questions? Yeah, not the sharpest tool in the shed.


Anonymous said...

I think Charles Barkley was closer to being right on the money in his thoughts than most--except he did say he though Zimmerman was racial profiling, which I don't think the evidence shows that he was. But Charles called out the media--which was nice to see.
