Thursday, June 13, 2013

The EPA released Personal Information on 80,000 farmers to Environmental Groups..claim it was a mistake

A bipartisan group of 24 senators has sent a letter to the EPA, demanding that the agency explain why it leaked the names and personal information of more than 80,000 farmers and ranchers to left-wing organizations. In April, the EPA admitted the information had leaked in a story broken by
According to the report, the information on livestock and produce farmers was sought through a Freedom of Information Act request by the groups Earth Justice, the Natural Resources Defense Council and the Pew Charitable Trust. They were given information on roughly 80,000 farmers and ranchers, though the EPA later said it made a mistake by releasing the information. 
One Nebraska rancher said his address was published, expressing concern that environmental "extremists" - upset over possible water pollution by livestock producers - could target his farm.
Read the full story HERE and a related video below:

This must be a mistake also:

The EPA is accused of bias against Conservative Groups

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Right Wingnut said...


I have no doubt that the CIA, NSA, and OBAMA's minions know everything about you, as the owner of an edgy conservative blog. Keep your eyes peeled for Brown Shirts.

Anonymous said...

RW, I agree. I'm almost regretting my donations to Romney. I have already wondered if Bosman regrets this blog.

Any vocal conservative better look out. The fear and intimidation is not isolated to the IRS! Now we know that our government under Obama can and will target anyone who disagrees with them.


BOSMAN said...

Come and get me.


Anonymous said...

Bosman, your little kool-aid man alone will get you. heh heh.
